Can anyone tell me why they don't police hackers enough?

Can anyone give some feedback on why Blizzard does not extensively police hackers in this game? There are so many hackers now…from the “hand read” hacker, the “desired draw” hacker, and then there’s “optimal RNG” hack. They’re so easy to spot! And I don’t know where even begin to go to as a source for a hack…
Is is the underground or what? Millions of people play this game. I rarely encounter it with an opponent in the asian gamers. But since I played NA predominantly, I’ll notice it.
And you can encounter these hackers, and you’ll recognize them…
Especially if you play the volume which I do.
It’s sad to play a game when the opponent knows your hand, or can actively select his/her next draw.
For many years I played this game thinking how difficult it would be to import some sort
of AI or script to alter gameplay…
And that everything is on the level.
Then I thought of WOW, which I also played for years, and how many apps are available, mostly legit, but I’m sure there’s a whole dark side there too…

Why does Blizzard not police this issue? Is it too difficult to investigate and account and
determine if the person is hacking? They don’t have a budget to pursue these frauds and then take action of some sort?
Most efforts go toward existing balance, ideas for the next expansion, etc., I guess I can understand that.

But it can be so frustrating!

Being that it is free to make accounts, they would have to put this game behind a paywall to actually put a hurt on anyone who would/could cheat.
If the offender has to keep throwing down money to get back in the game, blizzard still wins.

I think most of the feedback you get from this community will be to put your foil hat back on.

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theres no point in reading your enemies deck or seeing their hand when you lose to silly OTK decks

Remember when bait was believable?


Thanks for the feedback fellow Blizzard fans, I appreciate it. I mean it’s a great game! I do play a lot, even with this problem. I’ve tried all the others such as Gwent, Snap, etc…I still come back to Hearthstone.

My simple interrogative is though, why do they not better police the existence of hackers in the game?

I read another post mentioning how everything was server side, I get that…
And how difficult it can be for Blizzard to examine the play/code/results and account of a particular player and games, and investigate/validate through external code and source code if any potential hack or unofficial resource was involved in the course play. Without question they do this in online tournaments.
But it’s quite obvious, players are using outside tools to gain advantage. (And I don’t
mean just Decktracker).

You often read how Blizzard takes serious the internet “code of conduct” and fair play and the integrity of play and all that…

But are they doing that, with Hearthstone, to a full extent, in any of your estimation??

Are they adequately protecting the integrity in the fair play of a collectible card game?? And that’s a pretty important facet of such games!

Could you play Magic with a guy, and hey, on turn 3 and 6, you’re kinda suspicious and you notice…it looks like he switched a card in his hand for one up his sleeve, then played it the subsequent turn, and it erased your board both times? But it was so slight, you weren’t sure?

I’m asking, how do I get a tournament official involved?

Sorry, that’s a bad metaphor…but you get what I mean…

I guess it’s like your wisdom xxvo1…you just gotta roll with it…


I don’t enjoy toxicity via cheaters or trolls or griefers at all.

I just believe from a business standpoint they won’t invest in the pay to play only model so I embrace the suck because hearthstone is still fun. (Despite the rng)

Thank you sir FBlizzard for your reply (ps that’s a tough handle to have, if you’ve been a patron of this superlative video-game making company for +20 years)

I understand about the engine trying to normalize winrates between whichever interested parties at ~50%. I think we all know and acknowledge that principle as part of Hearthstone.

I’m talking about outside scripts/AI/progs/apps or functions or code that interacts with the server side functionality, facilitating a player to:
a) keep track of and/or monitor the opposing player’s hand or deck, or even “read” the identity of their cards
b) allow the player to choose, upon turn swing, their drawn card
c) mathematically influence the strength, for probabilty’s outcomes for RNG rolls

These outside hacks exist, make no mistake. And there are a certain small proportion of players who have access to, and utilize them.

I read about a post, about a script or app, Chinese origin for Battlegrounds, that allowed you to choose your tribe before the game. It also highrolled you a +1 tier minion every turn.

Things like this exit for Hearthstone just the same.

How much an advantage would it be to you if you could “choose,” or at least influence the selection of the next card drawn from your deck? And even regularly?

I totally understand that Blizzard wants to make money by normalizing winrates-if you get away from 50% you have more psychological impetus to spend more to win more. And the company wants you to buy their game. Nobody likes losing too much more than 50% in this game, I think we’ve all gotten used to that. And thankfully, as you described, the engine ensures an “equitable” region within these boundaries, for players of all skill levels.
(PS friend I think I’m one of those who read; I learned just in the last few years, and I think I’m pretty competent by now)

What I’m talking about is the policing of cheating practices in online gaming. How much time does Blizzard have to ensure the integrity of its game by maintaining it and somehow influencing or affecting or even changing players who use resources outside the game in order to have unfair advantages.

Because cheaters stink.

The Boar priest and i just staring each other down for ten turns because i can see his hand full of minions and they can see my hex and thralls gift.

Stalemate. Lol

So to the gentleman
I’m confused as to how someone would disappear
Thank you for your input.

I don’t need a tinfoil hat or a shrink to assume that there are hackers online in the world of the internet, something that you and I utilize everyday.

You think there are no players who are able to cheat in online games, that is, to use the computer to change how the engine or program functions? People with computer science knowledge, people underground, people in a regular internet circle, hell, even people on the dark web.

In all the online games in the world?

Is that a valid general opinion?

Mr MonkeyD bro, we’ve all been in those situations. I hope you win!

What I’m looking for, is insight/intel as to how a corporation/entity functions online and as to how it has the potential to regulate the integrity of its core functionality of a particular property. Is it legit to assume that no one hacks Hearthstone, even though I see it everyday? What, and if, can a billion-dollar company do about it? And what are they doing about it?

Anyone capable of hacking Blizzards servers isnt doing it to win a game. They are going after your personal details.

Keep living in Hollywood, Puddles. No, its not rampant, and you dont see it every day as you claim. You just get tilted when you lose and your only explanation is that your opponent MUST be cheating.


I think that those you call “hackers” are people who give money to Blizzard anyway, so why should you limit them?

i like OP what a gentlemanly response he crafts for each reply

AS long as the pay pigs keep eating at the trough, they do not care. Get that through your head, friendo.

What if i don’t pay?

well, then you aren’t a paypig. be proud.

OP and mew are supercuddles, this thread is meaningless


It’s ridiculously sad

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They are policing all hackers that exist in the game, which is zero.

Sounds like something a hacker would say…