Came back after 7 years and cards missing from collection

Title says it all. looking at other people from forum I can confirm this is the correct account and no one has logged on since I left years ago.
cards include mal,ganis, blingtron, toshley, dr boom, eadric the pure, anub’arak, mistcaller, gormock the impaler, bolf ramshield, sky cap’n kragg, hallazeal, muklar tyrant, hogger doom of elwynn, inkmaster solia, scourge lord garrosh, twig of the world tree, val’anyr, the runespear, flark boomzooka, luna pocket galaxy, whizbang the wonderful, warlord loti, gonk the raptor, keeper stalladris, khadgar, swampqueen hagatha, the boom reaver, hack the system, corrupt the waters, bazzar the burglary and making mummies. these are just the legendry’s.

Now I accept my memory isn’t perfect and maybe 4-5 of these i have gotten wrong but this is insane. clearly remember building decks with most of these cards. and again looking at the forum I’m seeing little hope to getting ANY of these cards back. if anyone got advice I’m all ears

Sorry this won’t help you solve your problem, but you’re mentionning cards that have been released mid 2018, less than 6 years ago.

Trying to help all I can ask is “Are you on the correct server ?” or “Are you sure you are not looking only at the standard set and your cards are hidden behind the wild filter ?”

Correct region also?

I believe it is possible to log in to different regions with the same account, and the card collections would not be the same.

can confirm I’m on correct region, never switched off europe, and yes toggling through all the sets it’s still blank.
also have to apologise, left around time battlegrounds was like a month old so i guess it’s closer to 5 years since i last played, looking at wiki.

Do you still have those decks, and if so, are the cards missing from the decks?

Yes i have the same problem, i had cards that i have got also some years ago, last time they moved that cards into core, than with the battlefield pass i had all normal, gold, diamant then they have moved it from core to legacy and all cards has been deleted now.
support gives only stupid automatic answers, typical stupid answers “no, on my screen is mentioned all is right”, i feel me betrayed of this greedy company, so many money and time i had invest. i am really hatred, if they will not take care about the users and there digital goods, there are laws but one person alone have no chance against a company like Microsoft. There no chance for justice, only greed and the cash rules. does somebody know some other game alternatives to Hearth stone?

Your cards were not deleted. That is not a thing. Blizzard does not go around randomly deleting people’s cards.

If a card vanished from your collection, that means it was a Core card. You never owned it. You were only borrowing it from Blizzard.

Be glad you were able to use it for free for a year (or more).

you are telling is not true, you can not be sure that all did work to 100% correct, im angry about me that did not screenshots of card collection, tell why cards from 2020 i possed, that became part of the last coreset again, and now moved to legacy got deleted together. How long in the past are data about the cardcollection saved, are there the data avaible since the game started or the last before update?

You haven’t even bothered to say any of the specific cards that you’re missing.

This is a troll bug report.

Cards you possessed from 2020 core were loaner cards. You got to rent them for a year or two and now that they have rotated out of core you must craft them. I know I miss Aegwynn (spell damage +2 deathrattle) but until I have the dust to craft her I will just replace her card with another in my collection.