Bug with breakdance card

we all know the one mana epic rouge card , the card description is to return a minion to your hand and summon a dancer with rush in it’s place , here is the bug , the bug is when you play breakdance on a death rattle cards , you see i played drily in arena, and i breakdance the card and played drily again so i can get the legendary excavate ,well i didn’t get the legendary excavate i got the common instead (the excavate got reseted as if i got the legendary excavate which i didn’t) so the problem is maybe i think it’s just a maybe when the break-dancer with rush died it counted as if he has a death or as if the death rattle triggered, this is my though i don’t know what the bug is or the reason why behind it, and i didn’t test it since i don’t have the drily legendary or breakdance, if possible please test this problem and confirm to me the reason why this bug happened since i lost a arena match cuz of it .

Did you change your class by playing a hero card by any chance?

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Did you discover and play Drilly the first time, Drilly has quickdraw and battlecry did you maybe get a full hand when it added an epic and couldn’t add the legendary, if you played maestra’s Hero card and switch from rogue to a non-excavate class(Demon hunter, Hunter, Priest, or Druid) you won’t receive Legendary excavate

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