[Bug] Sir Finley, Sea Guide is resetting stat modifiers

If the cards that are drawn or put on the bottom of the deck by Sir Finley have stat modifiers they often randomly loose their modifiers. I have a Druid deck built around Survival Of The Fittest and Lor’themar Theron and when I put my buffed minions on the bottom with Sir Finley or draw them by him they often randomly loose their improved stats.

If a modified card (usually a stat enhancement or mana cost reduction) moves “backwards” in the normal play order, it loses the modifications.

For example if a buffed minion on the board is Sapped back into your hand, it loses those buffs.

The same thing applies when a modified card in your hand is put back into your deck.

This isn’t a bug.

You say this “often” happens – do you mean it doesn’t happen sometimes?

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