Bug or not? Battlecry mercenaries don't count towards weekly

New week just started on the Asian server. One of my weekly quests is “Play 50 battlecry cards.” I just completed a heroic bounty with the following team:

Murloc Holmes with Trusty Sidekick 2
Prince Malchezaar with Parrying Blade 4
C’thun with Hearth of C’Thun 3
Captain Hooktusk with Captain’s Pride 4
Nemsy Necrofizzle
Yogg-Saron with Awakening Roar 3

Every mercenary on the team had a battlecry, yet after the bounty, I’m still shown at 0 battlecries (though I did oddly complete a daily quest for 10 odd-cost cards). So should these be counting or not?

Update: Apparently mercenaries summons with battlecries do work strangely. I swapped out Prince Malchezaar for Genn Greymane for a new bounty and I’m at 1 out of 50 after using Beastly Beauty.

Huh weird. I would’ve expected that only battlecries from actual hearthstone counted.

Yes, mercs with battlecries do not count, but their abilities with battlecries do.

The easiest one to farm this weekly quest with is probably Drek’Thar.

As for whether this behaviour is a bug or not, I cannot say definitively — however, I do confirm your observations, as already said.


Did you know about the tricks of completing daily quests in Mercenaries? See these, for example: Blizzard can you please STOP FORCING Mercenaries! - #8 by SparkyElf-2852, Questing Emote Suggestion - #11 by SparkyElf-2852 (and the video linked there).