Bug: Opponent's turn never ended, Game froze on his turn

Hey there,
Just wanted to quickly report this bug I just had.
Was winning a very very long game against an Odyn warrior, I was playing Xl control Priest and had made 3 ten mana weapons with Ignis (don’t know wether this is even relevant). At some point when he was in fatigue and I still had about 15 cards in my deck, he had his turn and a minion kinda froze in the middle of the board and it stayed there but I could still see him attacking with his weapon and his turn never ended. So for him there might’ve been nothing wrong, but I still saw him attacking and stuff so this wasn’t due to my game crashing or something because it never did. I have a 3k gaming pc so I’m pretty sure this an in-game bug. Kinda sad because I was just about to hit legend in a few games. I suppose you guys can’t do anything about my rank dropping, but I hope it never happens again. It’s been a few years since I encountered a bug so was surprised. If it helps: the bug happened right after the kologarn animation (he got it of the 10 mana Ignis weapon). Then the rope just never started, but I was still able to chat to friends so once again, the game never crashed.
Just thought I’d send It In :wink:

Thanks for reading and good luck!


You disconnected from the gameplay server.

Chat and emote/mouseover is handled on a separate connection.

There’s a sticky post about it at the top of this forum.

Endless turn, Card Stuck Hovering, and Never Roping

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Thank you very much for the link. If it ever happens again I’ll be sure to quickly restart. Is it possible my opponent was the one that disconnected? He missed his first 2 turns.