Bug in Doctor Boom adventure 2/6

Hello, I decided to play adventures, and specifically in the puzzles of the boom day add-on, so, when passing, I realized that one puzzle is now impossible to pass, the second of the six puzzles of the Iskryak Explosion Master became impassable due to the fact that the property of the “wondrous ohloop” card was changed earlier it was possible to get 1 mana crystal for each dead creature, and now this card restores mana, it turns out that it is physically impossible to gain 9 mana in that puzzle in order to use the “tree of life” and pass it, you either need to make it so that initially there were 2 out of 10 mana, or leave for this puzzle the previous action of the card “marvelous oohlyup”. Thank you for your understanding, I hope for a response.