Bug - Corrupted Cards

same here, corrupted cards bugged in arena

Experiencing the same bug in Standard play. Played a corrupted Strongman for 0 mana, then after it got on the board it couldn’t attack.

Also had one get killed and ended up with a blank space in between two minions.

They don’t actually take up slots on the game board but they are certainly as annoying as hell.


Same here, needed to restart game multiple times.

Same issue… hope they fix it. I use a corrupted deck so with most of my minions being corrupted, they essentially block the field and I can’t even play games properly because of this… bug needs fixing ASAP!

I asked Cora , she said it’s a visual bug KEKW. She said : ‘’ No need to be rude ‘’ after I said the playtest was a failure KEKW They’re so bad they can’t even say they’re sorry. By the way nerfs did nothing. OTK DH and ETC Warriors are broken and still there to ruin the meta.

Im having the same problem in constructed, such a shame that it would be the new corrupted cards that have the problem

This happens on eu servers by the way, just noticed original post was for US servers

Same issue for me playing Paladin. Corrupted cards die but stay on board. Hope there is a fix today. Finally, had a nice deck put together.

Here too… Love that they sign off testing upon releasing a patch only to find a game breaking bug like this. Sort it out !!!

yeah i got the same, i cant attak my corrupted minion, i thought i got lethal in arena game play bloodlust and i lost because of this cannot move…

i’ve got on board 8 minions btw imgur com/gallery/ksThKgr

Crazy corrupt druida deck cards. Clowns don’t disappear and you can’t interact with them.

Even devolved corrupted cards (Strongman) will keep this glitch. I couldn’t quite understand why I couldn’t interact with my 1/1 Desk imp.

Known and acknowledged:

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It’s more than just a visual bug. I hope they’re aware of that.


Agreed , it affects gameplay not just as a visual effect. Happens with Insatiable Felhound too, just to add to the list.

when ever I login i always loose my first game because I never get to play it as seraching for opponent runs forever even though my games already started but never get in it, and tickatus once played never leaves my board, when killed he reappears (occupying space even though I can’t use him) and even if mind controlled he sticks on mysids of the board.

I need to see a picture of a full board of clowns getting pushed off the edge of the board.

if all corrupted cards are affected big druid is dead