Buff Standard Hunter Deck

Hello, please buff this underperforming deck. Druids own me, priest own me, paladins own me and sometimes mages and rogues. I can’t seem to win as much as I did before. Of course I hit legend a few times so definitely realizing that hunters are on the verge of trash. Maybe explosive trap needs to deal more damage. Maybe King Plush needs to cost less. It just seems like to keep up with all these changes; developers are either falling behind in work or maybe they don’t play this game? Just seems like maybe the people working on this game don’t know much about what problems they cause and how slow the devs are at updating this game. This game has potential to be good but Blizzard you guys are slow and balance changes.

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According to d0nkey.top, Hunter has 3 decks in the top 10 in the D4-1 ranks. In D-Leg, it’s 3 in the top 7. And while it does fall off at the higher Legend ranks, it’s win rate at Diamond and low Legend suggest it’s not in need of a buff.

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Hunters are far from trash tier. They’re still the kings of aggressive gameplay and do just fine. They can kill you inside of 5 rounds if you don’t have the right answers in hand to deal with their stuff.