Buff A Card - Any Card

Since the dev team doesn’t buff cards, I figure we can do it ourselves!

Rules are simple: add a buff to a card, from any set, and add a buff that would make it playable, ideally without being overpowered. Ideally, these would just be small nudges, enough that a card might see place in the right deck; a stat point, a mana cost, an extra damage.

Whether it is a basic card you feel has been useless for too long, or a card that came and left without getting a chance, nudge it so it would see play. Try to limit your lists - it’s tempting to try to buff everything, but a few choice edits is more impactful than a laundry list.

I’ve been playing a lotta Shaman, so I’ll give a few examples:

Ancestral Knowledge
2(2) mana
Draw 2 cards > Draw 2 cards, then Discover a basic totem of your choice.

Lightning Storm
3(2) mana > 3(3) mana
Deal 2-3 damage to all enemy minions > Deal 3 damage to all enemy characters

Volcanic Drake
6 mana, 6/4
Costs 1 less for every minion that died this turn > Costs 1 less for every dragon that died this game


6 mana
Shuffle an enemy minion into your opponent’s deck >
Shuffle an enemy minion into the bottom of your opponent’s deck. Gain armour equal to its attack


Ticking Abomination

4 mana
deathrattle: deal 4 damage to your minions

deals 1 less dmg

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Your avatar, @Teo. Make minion attacks truly random, like Mass Hysteria, while Noggenfogger is on the board.


Illidan, after you play a card summon an one/two eley with rush.

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Janalai I think should get some sort of buff.
Considering the Rotation of Baku
This card got hit hard and will struggle to get its effect off compared to before. It’s a very cool card. Who doesn’t love Rag honestly.
I would make it that you only need 6 damage instead of 8 with your hero power to summon Rag

But I don’t know what the implications on wild that would have considering I don’t play it so maybe some input to whether that would make it too easy.

Ooh I like this thread!

Nozdormu 9 mana 8/8- Battlecry: for the rest of the game each turn is only 15 seconds

Jaraxxus 9 mana hero card - Battle cry: replace your hero with jaraxxus, Gain 5 armor, stay at your current health total.


Wisp - Battlecry:

Summon a 1-1 Ben Brode with Unsquelchable emotes


Wicked skeleton 4 Mana 1/1:
Gain +2/+2 for each minion that died this turn (up from +1/+1)

4 Mana 3/3
Gain +1/+1 for each minion that died this turn

4 Mana, 2/2
Gain +1/+1 for each minion that died during your last turn.

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Chamelios- Basically, reduce the cost of the card in opponent’s hand by 1.
Halzai, the Lynx- 5 mana 3/2, with rush, fill your board.
Mana Wraith- 2 mana 2/2, All minions cost 2 more
Validated Doomsayer- 4 mana 7/7, Destroys the board next turn.

Some good nudges so far, I like the way people are thinking (esp that Recycle, that was definitely a card that never had a day in the sun).

Now, how ‘bout some Druid?

5 mana
Choose one: deal 2 damage to all enemy minions - deal 5 damage to one minion > Choose one: deal 2 damage to all enemy characters - deal 6 damage to one minion

(So an expensive conc or an expensive non-face Fireball, rather than an expensive and bad conc or a non-face lava burst)

4 mana > 3 mana
Gain 4 armor. Give your hero 4 attack this turn.

(Comparable with a Shadow Bolt worse against high attack minions but better against low attack ones and can hit face. Alternative was to leave mana and attack at 4, jack the armor up to 8)

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Arena Tresure Chest: 4 mana 0/4, deathrattle, draw 3 cards

We already have Gnash though?

3 mana, gain 3 Attack and 3 Armor.

Anyways, Druid is meant to have poor removal / effectivity in exchange for flexibility. It’s the reason why Wrath is so good, deal 3 damage to a minion or 1 damage to a minion and draw. It’s different from Dark Bomb, can’t target Heroes, and same with Shiv.

Dirty Rat
2 Mana > 4 Mana
2/6 Battlecry: Your opponent plays a random card in their hand with random targets.

Instantly becomes a tech card against Hero Cards(50% chance you get it), Minions in their hand can be summoned for you.

Dirty rat is one of the few cards I appreciate because it has benefits and drawbacks versus most other card designs that seem to be drug fueled power fantasy to drive pack sales.

Troggzor The Earthinator
7 mana, 6/6 > 5 mana, 3/6
Whenever your opponent caste a spell, summon a Rockjaw Trogg (3/5)

(I always wanted this guy to be viable, but he came late, and ironically could be handled easily enough by being fireballed off, let alone Twisting Nether or Frost nova Doomsayer. Coulda stood to come out earlier, with a favorable statline)

Corridor Creeper
7-Mana Minion
2/5 --> 5/5
Costs (1) less whenever a minion dies while this is in your hand.

Arena Tresure Chest: 5 mana 0/4, deathrattle, draw the rest of your deck

A 0 mana 5/5 sounds way too good, blizz would never print a card like that, right. Right?


Ultimate infes- jk

Rhonin from 8 mana to 6, shaman has grumble for the same stats 7/7 with a good effect. I think it would’ be that OP, or just make it 7 mana if it gets out of control

Then Jaraxxus would become the most overpowered hero card there is.

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