No, goalposts right where they started:
Try upping reading comprehension before whinging about lying here AND cross posting and screeching about someone being dishonest in a completely different thread.
RUH ROH, you left out your car interior, pot holes, someone on the street with sandals and socks combo, and so on. By your measure…LIAR!
Or admit you’re being pedantic for a cheap shot, and normal driving isn’t scary (and if you get this much anxiety from normal driving, you’re a danger to yourself and your fellow motorists).
It’s the people on phones that are least scary compared to the far worse things out there. Yes it can and does kill people. Drunk driving has killed more people than the Vietnam War, and that “accomplishment” was reached decades ago.
But let’s get the most recent numbers (let’s use the usa, since we’re posting on a usa based forum): : the NTHSA (National Traffic Highway Safety Administration): 13,384 people died every year, or according to them “Every day, about 37 people in the United States die in drunk-driving crashes — that’s one person every 39 minutes.”
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That stats for distracted driving include everything from doing makeup, eating, thinking about work/grocery list/what have you, playing with your music player, not having your dog buckled in (YOU MONSTERS!), etc so taking the most recent stats from (again using the usa): 2,800 deaths* in 2022 (avg 8 per day) per the CDC (Centers for Disease Control)
*the numbers were listed elsewhere but not on the actual page, only giving older data. It’s still under four times less than drunk driving
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And now, that we’ve established that being safe while driving is important…back to brute forcing to legend!