Bronze is all BSM

10/10 games in two days are BSM with the exact same decks and same plays by turn 6.

Every…single…game…the…exact same… combo.

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and by turn 5 you have already aggroed them to death

so seems fair to me


Stop ruining my runs, Cheezus!


They don’t match by bronze, they match by MMR. And how MMR even behaves is unclear.


This. They aren’t matching you with players who are in Bronze now, they’re matching you with players who were near your rank at the end of the last month you played.


I really wish Blizzard would just remove the star rankings. People still think they matter for matchmaking.


Play pirate demon hunter for some easy wins, if you are trying to run something slower it might be tough because they will always get tsunami on 5

7 mages in a row for me. It’s pretty amazing how many people just copy and paste whatever the highest win rate deck is. Imagine being that lame and just taking the easy road. Think I’ll try the casual queue but I bet it’s just as bad.

Yeah, those losers who want to win!

I say this as nicely as possible: why are you still playing if you’re not enjoying the experience?

If the meta isn’t interesting to you, the best thing to do is take a break.

Complaining won’t change anything, especially here of all places.

They don’t. BSM isn’t a tier 1 deck.

What really happens is that midwits think that the most popular deck is the best deck, so they copy the most popular deck, making it even more popular.


Handicapped devs need handicapped decks to get out of bronze, the majority of player base just fits in the same basket

I don’t have the paid version of HSreplay but is it even a tier 2 still? I expected it to fall to tier 3 after the changes.

Early diamond up to legend is almost solely pally, well rogue or bsm mage. very exciting.

This also leads to the perception that it is actually the strongest deck, because it “obviously” has to be the strongest if everyone is playing it! Nerf now!

If you mean that it’s a self-reinforcing delusion, then yes

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Yep, exactly that. A fun feedback loop.

Everytime I see BSM I really want them to figure out some spell group or card that starts with “D” to make it really a spicy deck. I’ve done so many double takes on threads recently.

needs Dr Evil making air quotes with his hands

Widows are the best women