Brand New, Looking to Learn

Just started playing this today. (and have posted a reply to the “Add A Friend” thread.) Want to learn and get better.

Would really appreciate any suggestions for streamers to watch and/or YouTube channels to help learn and grow with the game.

Thank you very much!

First off, WELCOME!

Sooo many great streamers and content available for this game. Just getting your feet wet though, the key words to search for when it comes to you-tube are- ‘Basic’ and/or ‘Budget’

The major difference between Basic and Budget decks being card availability and necessity for crafting (or drawing out of pack openings). Unless you plan to sink some money, these types of decks will be the ones most realistically obtained in the early days.

For gameplay basics check out Trump’s teachings (a little dated nowadays but the concepts are still relevant): (

Be aware when searching for content that the meta changes often (especially recently) so you want to search for the most recent vids.

Here’s a couple you-tubers who recently posted vids of budget decks

Old Guardian, Jeleniowatyy, and RegisKillbin

Also, here’s a F2P tutorial posted by a fellow forumite a couple months ago, Jonius:

A little dated due to rotated sets as well but informative from a ‘Let’s Play!’ perspective.

Most importantly, game to have fun!

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If there is anything you want to try and I have the cards for it, I am always more than happy to share decks. NA server Beaky#1601, if you want to add me. I am an F2P player of about four years, so I am more than happy to share tips with you as well, if you’re ever looking for advice.

Oh that would be great, tyvm!

I learned a Lot from the following streamers

Rdu (Pro)
Kolento (Pro)
Brian Kibler (Pro and also fun to watch)
Regis Kilbin (fun to hang out with and knowledgeable)
Kripp (Arena player. Not my fave but largest channel)
Trump (educational and good player)
Alliestraza (she is sort of fun to watch but she knows her stuff)

All these guys have their good points. And I’ve learned a lot from them which I’ll probably utilise when I start streaming myself eventually.

I’ve only played HS for 6 months but hit rank 4 each month since I started.

Wow thank you that is great info!

I’d like to add one more streamer: Firebat. I have begun to watch him recently and have noted how often he explains his plays and also the opponents. That is good teaching information.

Honestly, for me, it was Firebat and StrifeCro. Trump will get you the very beginnings, but (as far as pros go) he’s just not quite up to snuff.

Firebat memes pretty hard, but even when playing meme decks his plays tend to be on point. He also does a pretty good job of explaining his plays.

StrifeCro not only plays great, sometimes unique, decks, but he will explain his plays, why he is making them and where he feels that he could have played better. His viewers also appear to be of a fairly high caliber and often point out (real) misplays that he made - where I find with most streamers they just don’t understand their plays and therefore question everything.

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