Bounty Wranglers provided by Flint Firearm cannot be played

I played the Mirage Paladin, and in the late game Mirage turned into Flint Firearms 3 times in a row (my deck was running low on cards, so it was somewhat expected). Both in the first and second instances, the first card Flint provided was Bounty Wrangler. But when I wanted to play them, I couldn’t put them on the Battlefield despite still having 8 mana, and the game let me play any other cards from my hand (Bounty Wranglers didn’t even have the green lit edge - which means its playable- but all the other cards had). This also meant that Flint couldn’t give me more Quickdraw cards… Moreover it didn’t become playable in the next turn either, nor the turn after or ever, resulting 2 dead weights in my hand for the rest of the game (=the two Bounty Wranglers I got from Mirage Flints two turns in a row). The third time Mirage turned to Flint provided different quickdraw cards and they were playable as normal, thus Flint working as intended, meaning the problem only occurs with Bounty Wrangler.
Link provided for the screenshot of my hand of the second time I played Flint in a row, showing the two Bounty Wranglers (one from the current Flint and one from the Flint from the previous turn), neither of them playable in spite of having 8 mana left.

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Their is a bug, when the mirage card generates a MINION it is unplayable so if the first card flint made on his third play was a non-minion it was playable, after he is in play and no longer a mirage so he can generate any card(minions?) that are playable. this is how it has worked for me :frowning: