Bots bots bots bots bots and more bots

It’s clear that Blizzard does not have the ablity to deal with the bot issue. I keep facing oppoenents with account names like aflajefoaihfeoif with the same decks.

THis is the reason why I barely play the game anymore.

Might be the way to go, just have a bot manage your account so you dont actually have to play the game to keep up with gold and such.

All of these bots are now conceding on turn 2 now (started about 24 hours ago). At least we used to be able to play against them before. Now they just artificially boost our rank/MMR and lower their own. This is their most toxic form yet.

Wut; is that actually true? Do we have another confirmation?

PS I don’t get why you find it toxic.

Yeah, there are people posting on Reddit about it on the HS Sub. You can google “hearthstone bots conceding turn 2” and it should come up at the top, or near the top. I find it toxic b/c the artificial MMR boost may harm players who won’t be able to compete at higher MMR. Hope that makes sense :slight_smile:

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Yeah I see the thread. I don’t see them because when I do achievements in Wild I still win a lot this month.

I play a butchered Highlander Hunter (it has achievement cards and no Reno) and it’s almost diamond 10.