Boomboss Thro'grun

If the bombs read:
“Destroy a random card in your opponent’s hand, deck OR board”
It would still be played in reno warrior
If warrior wants to win through fatigue they should have to do by thinking of how to get the max value for their cards.

What other card has the potential of trading 1 for 9 on its own without Brann?
(not counting removing the body itself)

If they cant win with zilliax Dr. BOOM and the excavate reward maybe they just shouldnt win the game xD.

Going to fatigue is very common in this meta so i dont think having a card that almost guarantees you cant play towards that is really fair. Especially when it is so difficult for most decks to get under zilliax/Reno already. Warrior is not lacking in late game win cons at all.

The power level of this card really confuses me. Its okay for Warrior to be strong in the late game, but not for it to push out almost any other strategy that wants to go toe to toe with it there.


I have made this point over and over and over again, but you make a point i havent made and that is that warrior does have many late game win cons already.

Good point there, maybe they deserve to lose if they cant already win with boom zilliax and excavate reward they may consider running fizzle more and yogg if they lost boom and have ti considee when to play fizzle.

But in the end it would allow more late game decks to try to go toe to toe with warrior


Reno warrior is on to the Yogg tech now vs it and actively trying to counter it. Ive been considering cutting it from my excavate list and just focusing on winning other matchups again xD

Not a good idea, other decks are increasingly using the Unkilliax, too

Reno priest, Reno druid, Reno pally, Reno hunter, Reno DK…

Besides, it’s a versatile card, it also serves as AoE removal and, in niche situations, sometimes you even get to play a couple of tendrils

It’s a great addition to the deck which single-handedly brought it from tier 3 to the edge between tier 1 and 2

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Having a way to mass clear as Rogue is really nice that is a good point.

Id really like to find a way to squeeze Flint Firearm back in the deck for those awkward mid game turns you get sometimes where you want another way to generate value. I dont really know what to cut cause i see so much Pali i dont want to cut antique flinger

They should let the tnt be able to destroy other tnt in the deck.

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Boomboss is annoying af. However its needed to deal with all the offboard bs insanity warlock and other decks win with.

Team 5 doesn’t care. They vomit power creep and skins with no care because it’s all about the money. They don’t care about balance. Just stop giving them money and treat current HS like the joke it is.

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At least Priest can copy/steal it multiple times;
Warlock can finish it way before then;
These are the two classes play the whole deck or fatigue.
Other 6 classes are never control oriented now or before.

I don’t think it’s a problem at all.

Not trying to defend the card, just want to comment on the subject. Bare with me as I’m about to drop some mind blowing information.

The reason Warrior lists include it, is because it works. It fills the role they want it to.

Shocking stuff I know.

My point is that deck lists run what works AND works well together. If Warrior somehow had no real control options, this card alone would probably not be enough to build a fatigue deck that works. This goes both ways too, replace that card with a random control card and you will no doubt be losing some games you otherwise would have won because you no longer have that ace.

I must disagree with you here. “Strong in the late game” can mean just about anything and Reno Warrior certainly doesn’t have a stranglehold on decks that plan on playing past turn 10. More then that though, as I touched on before, the deck is designed with that late game plan in mind. They have the tools and therefore actually want to go to fatigue. Other control matchups may often reach fatigue, but that doesn’t mean they want to.

It’s not much different from a late game OTK. Again, I’m not trying to defend the card (Would still be playable with a small nerf), I just don’t agree that

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Just to throw this out there, but Warlocks can destroy 6 cards in a deck multiple times with spell copying, and no one here complained about that XD

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Sure, but that’s just so much worse and less effective than destroying 6 cards on board, hand and deck.



DK’s most popular deck is Reno DK which is a control deck. Ditto for Druid. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.


The best part is that there’s two versions of it. One of them isn’t even Rainbow.

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One need’s to choose one’s battles: Symphony is the least problematic card in Warlock because you are dead before it even matters when you face Warlock. And no one is copying it for a reason (one of the reasons being it has no school).

Apparently you have never played a ‘no spell’ aggro lock deck with dryspell deputys, celestial projectionists, starlight welps, gaslight gatekeepers, zola the gorgon, photographer fizzle, etc. The rest is draw minions. I have had 6 copies of Symphony in play in a single game, not counting all the copies of individual 3 cost symphony cards.

Apperently “no one but you played” it because I have never faced it or seen it on any of the streams. Besides I did not mean it’s LITERALLY never been done, just it’s not that good/there are much more problematic combos in Warlock.

Ah yes, the old ‘Ive never seen it so it doesnt exist’ argument. Then, I have never seen Thro’grun be a problem, so I guess your whole argument is invalid.

What’s annoying about boomboss… isn’t so much boomboss himself (he is annoying, but in a vacuum he’s what you’d expect from a modern day legendary), but that HL warrior is able to do a lot of other things with boomboss just being one of the things he can threaten you with.

I just beat a boomboss hl warrior who dropped boss after brann. The main reason I was able to do that was because thanks to my good luck and probably him not running the most optimal meta deck, he didn’t have much of any other threat after boom boss (well, my Kurtus did snipe his zilliax and ETC)

When the warrior has no other threats, I could beat the bombs by going for greed and keeping my hand full.

In a more typical match, warrior would be doing other double battlecry things. If he kept his zilliax he would have had a strong turn (or 2, if he had dr boom as well) which would have forced me to play more cards and open myself up to bombs. Or maybe his dirty rat was in ETC and a rat-> board clear would have been bad.

The amount of BS you pull to misconstrue my argument is astounding. I never said “it doesn’t exist” What I said was “just it’s not that good/there are much more problematic combos in Warlock”. But I guess it’s easier to dismantle strawmans, eh?