Boomboss has to be the most stupid card ever created

Such a lazy idiotic card. Has nothing to do with the class. Not to mention that with Brann becomes double moronic creative genius who made it and also those who decided to keep it because its fun.
Are you even aware that you have a game that was suppose to be FUN? Where is the fun? Show me the fun?
All warriors have to do is last until turn 9 and then its all over.
Best card ever. Your mothers are really proud of you creative geniuses


It’s truly unfortunate that your win condition got boomed.

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Literally has no counter beyond holding 10 cards in your hand. Cards without counters should not exist, but that simple game design rule is beyond this development team.

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Or using a decent deck.


Holding 10 cards in hand might be a good strategy if you’re towards the end of the game, but i had like half a deck still he played brann at 8, left him with 3 hp, played ziliax with battlecry at 9, filled his HP, boomboss at 10, my first card drawn was a bomb with 14 cards in deck.
This is not an isolated occurrence, unless you play a very aggressive deck and the warrior opponent is unlucky by turn 8, you’re winning chances are almost 0.
And i’m not crying because i lost, i’m ranting because the card design its stupid and should’ve never find its way into this game.

Are you trying to reach a goal of most inane responses?

It’s not a good strategy at all, since you’re not playing cards unless you’re generating at the same time. Way to make deck building meaningless, Team 5.

Nah, if you’re running control DK you’re chances are about 50% and if you’re running control Druid you’re chances are about 50 per cent. If you’re control Shaman you’re boned and if you’re control Priest you are favoured.

For Control DK it’s especially crucial to get Headless Horseman out and draw his head. Then you can play 1-2 cards a turn and always have a full hand. Druid can keep a full hand pretty easily too. Priest just plays one mana copies of Warrior minions to ruin Warrior’s day. So the only one left out is Shaman who stands little chance once boom drops.

Atleast they wouldn’t give Badlands Brawler too to the Warrior… this is the card which is absolutely stupid with Brann mainly… this is the card which is taking away the last chance to win against this crap… :angry:

Seriously? 7 mana board wipe on a 4/4 stick is a problem? Please.

Boomboss is a card that basically killed my drive to reach legend in standard. I was close at diamond 2, but I don’t think it’s worth it. The problem is not just the card, but the entire deck. There is just so much board clear. I decided to stay in gold and play with whizbang.

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Yes, it is a problem because it is worse than Brawl… it is making sure that the warrior minion stays on the board after brawl even if the enemy had extra deathratle minion effects… and THIS is the last drop for me in this deck combined by Brann… They really shouldn’t give such card to Warrior after it already has a lot of board clears, Reno and tons of armor…

First of all Brawl is a Classic card, that card released 9 years later is going to be likely better is a given so that is a weak argument.

Second, yes, Brawler is a solid card. It is however 7 mana, and it needs you to excavate twice for Brawler to 100% stay on board so it has both high mana cost and high opportunity cost.

Lastly, nah, Warrior doesn’t have that much clears. It has optional Brawl in Garrosh’s Gift, Blade Storm which is very situational and best for single clears, Bellowing Flames, Aftershocks and Sanitize. Blood DK has more and better clears.

I don’t know what deck you are playing and I do understand that Warrior can be annoying but nerfing Brawler is a strange hill to die on.

No… it has not… excavating 2 times is not a big deal for Warrior… but I won’t talk anymore about that because I can see you have no idea about the problem. That is OK, because you can’t see my point. I am not using a meta deck and won’t start to explain. 6-9 TNT is still much bigger problem than that, you are right. Brawler is just the last drop for me. Have a nice day! :wink:

There is Yogg, Inventor Boom, Zilliax, Reno, and Marin. The whole deck is board clear and then use Boomboss.

Yes, I did not include cards like Reno or Yogg because every class has access to those and they are being played in every class. Zilliax is not board clear by any stretch of the imagination, it kills one minion. Marin is not a board clear in any sense so I do not even know why do you mention it.

Zilliax has reborn and divine shield, meaning it has the kill potential of four minions, basically a board clear while gaining health. When Inventor Boom is added, it does become more of a board clear in a general sense because the Zilliax can attack twice. It is important to recognize the interaction of neutral cards when we are talking about balance. Boomboss is an overpowered card for these reasons. The deck has too much board clear and the combo is very easy to pull off with all the card draw in the deck. Marin has board clear potential because of Zarog’s Crown and Wonderous Wand. Zarog’s Crown can discover Kologam, Ragnarous, and Gnomelia. Wonderous Wand can get Zarog’s Crown for 0 and the other board clear cards in the deck.

This issue isn’t boomboss as much as the insane armor gain, and then use that armor as cheap removal, that allows them to full turtle until they play it.

It’s uninspired and completely boring game play. It’s the worst of control and the worst of combo in one deck, and it hasn’t been nerfed enough because this trash is still being played.

They need to just remove Reno from the mode and apologize for making more broken highlander cards.

Mate, you cannot just change definitions of words and pretend all people should agree.

No, Zilliax is not a board clear (well, it is single target removal) just because it has “potential to kill four minions” unless you believe Tirion or any Taunt minion to be a board clear. That’s silly. After Zilliax removes a minion when it’s played there are multiple ways to remove it steal it before it removes any more.

Yeah, Zarog’s Crown can discover Ragnaros, even if it doesn’t go face it’s still not a board clear. I don’t even want to go over the odds of getting a minion able of removal (again, single removal is not board clear) because how silly considering Marin to be removal is. Yes, there is none 0 chance of getting two Gnomellia’s or two Baron Geddon’s it’s however still likely than getting Lina, Genn or any other Legendary that does nothing for the board state.

Again, draw is not board clear. Yes, Wondrous Wand might enable cheap board wipe… or might get you 3 cards that do not help you.

To sum it up, I think you have butted in in a middle of conversation and are misunderstanding what the conversation is about. Because the conversation was about Brawler, a card that is a board clear on a stick. What it is not is a conversation about powerful cards in warrior that might be considered or enable you a board clear. That is a silly reframing.

Boomboss has to be the most stupid card ever created

for now…

I was mostly responding to this quote “Lastly, nah, Warrior doesn’t have that much clears”. I was pointing out that this is not true. I have gotten two Gnomellia’s before, so I know it’s possible.

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