Book of Mercenaries (Onyxia 6/8) is impossible

Hello, I’ve already searched on the internet how to solve the 6/8 Onyxia puzzle from the book of mercenaries, but it’s impossible, in the videos the card that activates the last breath twice costs less. The mana cost of the card was increased and the puzzle became impossible, how did blizzard make a mistake like that?

If anyone knows how to solve this puzzle, help me as I’ve been unsuccessful for weeks, even searching on the internet.


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I confirm that the puzzle is impossible now.

See the video here, 11 minutes 10 secondes.
The card on left was 3 and not 5.
It changed since 1 month.

h ttps://

In french (I am french), the name of the card is : “Cimetière des neiges” (“snow cemetery” in english ?).

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I just wanted to complete the mercenaries book and earn my reward :sob:

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I have the same issue. Unfortunately we’ll have to wait for a fix to the puzzle. I’m also waiting on it to complete the Book of Mercenaries.

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This puzzle (Onyxia 6/8) is POSSIBLE now.

I finished today.

Go for it !

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Thanks. I achieved. I got the varden package.

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