Book of Heroes Faelin: Nature Studies Soft-lock

In Book of Heroes for Ambassador Faelin, when you cast the spell “Nature Studies”, the client sometimes soft-locks the match. The discover window does not appear, so you cannot make a selection, but the game waits forever for you to pick something.

If you alt-F4 from the client when this happens, start it up again, and then resume the previous game, it is still bugged in the exact same way (presumably the discover window still thinks it is open).

The only way out is to Concede (which still works).

This happened to me on the Ozumat encounter (8/17), but I had it happen in an earlier encounter too.

My best guess is that this is caused by a specific discover result, as it does not always seem to happen.


Can confirm, had exactly the same thing happen, both in Ozumat and a previous Faelin match

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Same here, it happened basically every time Nature Studies was played. Specially when playing against Archimonde.

This only happened for the first card for me, the second one worked, it is strange

This is still happening.

Can we get a fix? Please?

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Boy it sure would be nice if Blizzard actually fixed their unplayable game instead of ghosting their community, this is why this company is going down the drain

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Hi, I have the same problem. I’m in the last encounter, Queen Azshara. I have to concede, for the second time. I’m very sad.


Same issue here. It does not always happen.
I have a screenshot if needed.

Bug still happening as of today.