BM is a problem

i would be great in blizzard encouraged good behavior

it crazy how you talk about good faith, then immediately miss quote me and leave out context lol

unless they literally do something impossible its not BM, ok dude.

I believe that people take things like “blizzard” and apply them to everyone that isn’t a customer. I believe that Team 5 has a lot of poeple that want to make a cool game and they want people to enjoy it. I also believe Activision Blizzard exists solely to create money, meaning they care about us to the extent that we as customers can further that goal, and that’s largely it. Those two views don’t have to be contradictory, because while I believe Blizzard as a company has lost a lot of its soul to shareholders, I also don’t believe the individual devs of Team 5 sit around and high five each other over the idea of their players being miserable.


really long way to say they don’t care. i mean unless you think the devs that are leaving blizzard are lying. i mean they are only walking away from 6 figure salaries

Define “they”.

Team 5 can care about players enjoying their game while disagreeing that emotes are problematic. That has nothing to do with the overhead company that makes the big decisions like reward track totals.

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Bobby Kotick does not care if the game is good.

Bobby Kotick has nothing to do with general design and feature decisions like emotes/squelches.


Alternatively, you could just squelch every opponent if it bothers you this much. I mean it’s not difficult

My first move in EVERY SINGLE GAME is squelch. Always squelch, my friend.

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if boby wanted blizzard games to be not toxic they wouldn’t be, but it is Cleary not a priority of blizzard over all.

i know team five 5 asserts that “emote are inherently positive” but i don’t think they are linguist or psychologist so their authority on the topic is rather lacking

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Are you a linguist or psychologist?


this is literally an argument for why auto squelch should be in the game.

i don’t have to be those things to know someone is not those things lol, what a no nsequitur.

like how do you know to trust your doctor? are you a doctor?

No, I never said anyone on Team 5 was one of those things. You seem to be stating from a position of higher authority on the matter than Team 5 since you’re openly denouncing their capability on judging the inherent nature of their emotes, so I figured I’d ask.

You sound like a very negative person to me. Granted as I highlighted above, my in-head response is similar with

However that doesn’t seem like it needs tk be read into every emote unless you’re just naturally prone to taking everything antagonistically.

I work in the games industry, I’m a headhunter, I place people into games studios, I’ve worked with artists, devs, studio leads, producers and everything in between in small indie studios and AAA studios and I’ve never met a single person who didn’t just want to make the games the best they could.


no i am literally saying me and team 5 have the same level of authority on the topic. please don’t try to say what my words mean, when i am being clear.

You believe you’ve got more perspective on emotes, their usage and people’s reaction to them than the people that designed them and monitor the game?

I find that interesting.

Once again, I think autosquelch would be a fine feature and make a niche portion of the community very happy, but that’s not my decision to make.


i find it interesting that you think a game designers are experts in human psychology

i mean lets just ignore the outrage from public the blizzard has received from literally free speech issues to Warcraft 3 reforged being a dumpster fire. but yeah blizzard has a crack human psychology team working on emotes.

They don’t need to be, they have the data and people to read it.

Why do they need to be?

Does every other dev team have a staff full of psych PhDs? Are all game dev teams of equal or lesser competence at understanding their game and its features than the players?

If you believe so, I daresay you’ve never actually at down and interacted with a game designer before.

Buddy, listen! Let’s assume your opponents are evil and are spamming emotes in order to BM. Those opponents don’t know anything about you, they don’t know what your real name is or how you look like. Do you know what are the chances for you to meet those opponents in real life? They’re less than 1%. The chances are something like 0.00000000001%.

And let’s say you get to meet one. Do you honestly think that opponent is going to remember the time they BM you? They won’t. If they BM you, then they most likely BM everyone they met. They didn’t BM you because they have something personal with you. They did it because that’s how they are. It’s in their nature.
If you get lost in a forest and a bear kills you, there is a huge chance that bear killed other humans as well, and other animals too, including other bears. See? Nothing personal, just bears being bears.

So, do yourself a favour and stop taking emotes as personal attacks. Yes, Blizzard can add an autosquelch. Blizzard can do a lot of things and as you can see, they can add a reward system which is awful compared to the previous one. At this point, I don’t think it’s wise to ask Blizzard to do anything more. I honestly think at this point, you should try to look for your own solutions and not rely on Blizzard.

And one solutions is: stop taking this game seriously. Have a good day!

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why data does blizzard have to show that emotes are inherently positive? id love to see it

you are so close to understanding the problem with emotes but so far at the same time.