Block Function for Forums

Can we please have a block function that works similar to Facebook where if upon blocking someone, I won’t be able to see their posts and they won’t be able to see mine?

I’ve been harassed two days in a row now because one person is actively seeking out my posts and trying to shame me on the forums.

I would flag the post (report) them but for some reason, I’m only allowed a certain amount a day. If the mod team gets a high volume of reports that they need to cap it, would it not therefore be more prudent for the forumer to block the person in question, thus limiting the reports?

My plea is please consider such a feature. I feel it will also create less angst in the forums overall and stop lengthy, pointless ‘to and fro’s’ of insults and degradation when we can nip it in the bud ourselves the moment the harassment starts.

Thanks again, I appreciate the hard work the mod team does.

Edit: Right now he’s trolling through my posts trying to discredit me. he even followed me here to the Website Feedback section. You’ll see it here:

Difford’s request to preempt these tools by blocking a user or a 100 users from seeing his posts does not serve the community’s interest. What prevents a user from blocking people from seeing their posts and then speaking about the other person/people? Nothing. To be clear, I’m not accusing Difford of wanting to do that. (edit here) It would most certainly lead to abuse.

These forums do not allow private messaging. All postings are in public which lets all comment on whether they agree with the post or feel the post needs to be reported.

These tools and the moderation process have resulted in very reasonable and open forums.

If Difford wants to post multiple times, he should allow any other user to answer him each time.

His claims of harassment can be handled by the usual moderation process.

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Why do you use me in the third person? Actually, thank you for coming by, the mods here can see that you would be one such person I’d block for following me all the way here to take a dump on my suggestion.

It does because right now, this wouldn’t have bothered me and it wouldn’t have bothered you because you wouldn’t have seen it if you were someone I already blocked.

I’m just a lurker but I think the quickest way for you to stop the harassment is probably to stop postning in >every< thread about the incident and replying to >every< single post.

If you want to get the forums back to discussing the actual game, maybe post in the actual gameplay threads.

Just my two cents.

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It’s called being part of the community. If there was really a problem, a mod would take away ALL my posts. This is why a block would work, you would block me and you’d never see me again, free to converse with the others.


Why do you use me in the third person?

I’m addressing the mods, which is what this section should be for. I replied to the thread and to the idea you proposed.

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If you have different website feedback to me, you should be creating your own thread instead of trying to usurp mine.