Blizzard/Devs are finaly listening after all these years!

Instead of just mindlessly nerfing the problem they are buffing other cards to compensate. Good job. This game realy is finaly changing for the better.

Best expansion in 6 years now they listening to what I have been saying for a long time.

I have been saying this;

1: Nerfs without buffs, if the cycle keeps going it will make the game boring and stale. The majority of the player base does not like games that drag on for 15-20 min. Fast passed action ccgs sell. Solitare and ches exsist for that.

2: When you just nerf without buffs it makes classes not viable. This results in a game with less playable classes and makes the game boring. The costant nerf bat causes the game to become stale, it takes the fun out of it.

3: some times you need to just buff the other classes instead of just taking the fun out of a class or deck by nerfing it to the ground.

4: if Paladin was soo OP why is its play rate so low. Stats show its only a roflstomper at lower ranks and at diamond its not more op than mage, druid, DK (just destroys paladin btw), shaman, and the majority of other classes and decks.

Closing: With the new buffs and nerfs I predict we see a play rate increse in DK along with a slight winrate incease. This should also indirectly buff hunter and we should start seeing more of them. The unkillax meta has nuked them out of exsistance. Hunters dont do well with those types a decks (hell nobody does but yeah it reall nuked hunter off the map).

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