Instead of just mindlessly nerfing the problem they are buffing other cards to compensate. Good job. This game realy is finaly changing for the better.
Best expansion in 6 years now they listening to what I have been saying for a long time.
I have been saying this;
1: Nerfs without buffs, if the cycle keeps going it will make the game boring and stale. The majority of the player base does not like games that drag on for 15-20 min. Fast passed action ccgs sell. Solitare and ches exsist for that.
2: When you just nerf without buffs it makes classes not viable. This results in a game with less playable classes and makes the game boring. The costant nerf bat causes the game to become stale, it takes the fun out of it.
3: some times you need to just buff the other classes instead of just taking the fun out of a class or deck by nerfing it to the ground.
4: if Paladin was soo OP why is its play rate so low. Stats show its only a roflstomper at lower ranks and at diamond its not more op than mage, druid, DK (just destroys paladin btw), shaman, and the majority of other classes and decks.
Closing: With the new buffs and nerfs I predict we see a play rate increse in DK along with a slight winrate incease. This should also indirectly buff hunter and we should start seeing more of them. The unkillax meta has nuked them out of exsistance. Hunters dont do well with those types a decks (hell nobody does but yeah it reall nuked hunter off the map).
I disagree with almost everything here lol. This expansion is a good job in the balance department and a horrible job in the design department.
1- Meta is balanced as is, even without nerfs there is objectively a fair spread of decks from aggro, combo and control all keeping each other in check without a gross outlier (combo druid is close but it gets stomped by handbuff pala). However, the meta is close to as boring as it can get. Elemental decks are an absolute snoozefest, zilliax res is dumb and annoying, almost all tourist combinations make zero sense and add nothing to their respective classes… this is FAR from a successful expansion, who would remember this meta dearly honestly? I cannot comprehend
2- The buffs they are doing are not the kind of buff with a clear purpose to balance out the effect of the nerfs in the meta. These buffs are simply the absolute safest buffs they could find to try to save horrible cards from their inevitable fate of oblivion. These are not the kind of buffs that are meant to impact classes or specific decks, these are just meant to make awful cards less awful and see if someone wants to experiment again with them a bit.
3- The nerfs they did were arguably the most reddit nerfs imaginable. I won’t miss any of the targets, but whether this patch will lead to a more fun meta is not entirely clear to me. The design still sucks and there aren’t many interesting things waiting in line to be meta without more significant and smarter buffs.
It seems like the most toxic players in the community are the ones who are happy with the meta right now. The people who like five turn games. The people who like solitaire. The people who shamelessly exploit the most busted decks in the game so they can get their easy wins
They’re in hog heaven. Meanwhile, I can barely stand to do my dailies
I have more fun playing against the LemonTank’s, RubyTiger’s, SuperPants’ of the world. More fun games and I can actually try a combo or two lol. I’m actually more surprised (in a fun way) when I get rolled by Core deck lists lol.
Paladin player taking a victory lap because the class on top of the meta wasnt touched by nerfs and will continue to be on top while every other top deck got balance chances.
And you keep lying saying its only good on lower ranks, so well done there as well.
That data is outdated and wrong. I wish i could show you my data but i cant post images on the forums.
Its showing 48% to 38% win rate in legend and on par with the rest in diamond. bellow mage and shaman in diamond +.
This data comes from the live deck graphs from hs replay from the last 9 days wich is the most accurate data there is.
VS uses the same data for part pf there data when calculating. Paladins win rate has tanked since shaman and mage players have become more popular and the decks mlre consistant not to mention rainbow DK just eats paladin for breakfast according to my data.
Also when a deck is truly that strong everyone is playing it. It has a legit low play rate as well.
This is completely faluse and wrong. There has gotta be a way for me to post photos ill look into it. Looking right now shaman is leading the pack using the standard metric. Also in my metric.
You dont need to nerf a deck thats performing on par with the rest except in slightly hogher in lower ranks.
But go ahead nerf paldadin. I dont play it i just wana see the game stay healthy.
The nerfs the devs did today were the right ones.
Im starting to wounder if the only ones complaining are the peopke that want a boring unfun game like the one that let to me hardly playing for a year. Like what we had from last summer till right b4 this recent patch.
That sort of game play was complete solitare. Didnt matter what you did draw was the bigest deciding factor and chocies of home brew we slim and honestly just made matters worse outside of wild.
If yall want that crap again have fun im out.
The numbers show the game has the highest play rate in a long time right now infact the most players in over a year right now. This shows the devs are doing something right.
There are still loads of un tapped decks that have yet to be made. This expansion has opened up the game to the most creativity and options i have ever seen.
The only “nerf” i disagree with is Concierge. It should have just been set to “not less than 1” and been sent on its way. It’s the kind of card that any 1 cost card created in the future has to be weighed based on Concierge existing. You really don’t want that limitation set on you as a designer.
Honorable mention goes to them nerfing around Zilliax instead of just fixing the card by making it behave like One Amalgam Band.
So let’s see, should I believe top Legend player Altair and Vicious Syndicate, who are in complete agreement, or should I believe a Paladin main? Hmmm.
I dont play paladin infact if i could post link ill show you I legit dontt have a single paladin deck right now.
I have also been a top legend player and posted proof on these forms before. I just started playing again after a long break of only once in a blue playing a game or two.
There used to be some type of bypass to post links and stuff.
I just figured out another work around.
Its mostly priest shaman dk I have been playing recently.
Nobody can argue with raw data. VS data is Out dated to say the least. I look at the raw day to day data. Just look at the videos.
The sadest thing is you wana compain about a deck that has other decks performing not 1% but 4%+ higher in diamond lmaoo…
Diamond 4-1 winrates and live data showing paladin is not over performing. Infact other decks performing better and more consistant Shaman is a great example.
But the rest is completely wrong and I’m not opening Youtube videos for proof to the contrary, that’s for sure
Pally with both decks is still tier 1, and will be left as tier 1 because it hasn’t been touched while other decks have been nerfed (except shaman). Even the Zilliaxes both decks use haven’t been touched.
Just because they’re not the strongest, doesn’t mean they’re not tier 1
For it to drop to lower tiers, one of two things needs to happen:
either it gets nerfed, or
because of the other nerfs (and buffs), new decks need to emerge which counter both of those.
It will take you 5 min. The fact that you will not watch a youtube video is pretty bad. You have no business arguing when you wont even look at my data. Legit many decks performing better than paladin droping it do B rank at best right now (in legend). When the scores are that low we dont even need to look at the graph but if you want I can make a quick video showing it.
Your problem is you play rogue im guessing mostly from your avatar. The class that paladin does the best against.