Blizzard, I beg of you

Give single player content it’s own quest board and allow us to earn gold by conpleting three boss runs per 10 gold. It will not detract from the main attraction of the multiplayer content but Dalaran Heist is so fun. It’s going to become obsolete when there’s nothing left to earn. If there’s a quest board that allows for quests to be completed on single player content alone, players will get the most out of their gold and money spent. And go back to older dungeon runs//content. I hope a developer sees this.


That’s just silly. It’d be so easy to game the system if you could get 10 gold for 3 wins in solo content.

Yeah, that’s never going to fly.

Look, they can change it to make it so that it’s more difficult in singleplayer to earn gold but how often will people play the Heist after theres no rewards left? What a sad notion for something people had to pay for becoming obsolete. Also, people hardly have the opportunity to use gold for anything but multiplayer content so it won’t harm the core purpose of Hearthstone.
On that point also, it could be a crown after Bosses 3//6//8. That way you have to at least play three bosses for a crown and 9 for a total of 10.
This really would not hurt their formula.

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Personally, I think the first 3 or 4 should count as 1 crown, and then one each bossv after that. Around the 4th - 5th boss is when the dungeon runs start getting challenging, and it’s near impossible to beat the 8th boss in most runs. (maybe not with the normal mode of the dalaran run, though; maybe 3; 6; and 8 for normal dalaran hiest).

But yeah, I agree. it sucks that they offer nothing than a cardback, which isn’t a real reward, and maybe a handful of packs (all the paid ones offer them anyway) They should offer some sort of repeatable prize.

Who cares.
You say that playing the game to earn gold is “gaming the system”… isn’t that the point of the system.
The sad thing is Blizzard is so fking stingy with this game that you even get posts like these.
Go play a game like Gwent or Elder Scrolls Legends. Both have excellent production value, deeper gameplay (that’s also fun), and you can play them F2P without feeling like you’re starved for cards unless you fork out cash.
4 random cards (later you unlock a perk where one is guaranteed rare), and then you pick from 3 (which will be at minimum rare quality). Epics and Legendaries are no so rare that you’ll never get one, and disenchant value is very good, allowing you to build competitive decks quite quickly.
Elder Scrolls Legends:
Each pack has 6 cards, I think one is guaranteed rare. However if you open 10 packs, you’ll get a couple of epics, and usually one legendary.

You’re saying that if someone plays 3 matches of single player, which takes as long or longer than a real match, they shouldn’t get 10 gold… That’s 3.33 gold per game, that’s ridiculously bad. 30 games, to open one new pack, where most of the times you will ONLY get 1 rare and 4 commons.

But what if someone just keeps killing the first boss and restarting. Then just change it so that boss doesn’t count. Again, why should there be such strict restrictions on letting players farm gold. Do they want people playing their game or not.

Even if they do, the company that Blizzard has become isn’t one that thinks about their playerbase first anymore.

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I just wasn’t expecting any negative posts right off the bat. It’s just strange when the developers decide to post and when they decide not to. It seems like they put in a lot effort to maximize the enjoyment of this content.

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The problem with large companies is that you’ll have smart and passionate people who really care about what they do working alongside another group of people who don’t share their passion or interests at all.
I’ve been primarily in financial, but I have friends in software, and it’s always the same with large companies.
Those in the back offices get to do what they love (math, programming, design, art, whatever), and then you’ll have the human resources/finance side doing their job, which is looking to grow profit margins in any way possible.

This often comes in direct conflict with the game designers who then have to compromise (making their game less enjoyable to push monetization).

I can’t speak for Blizzard or California’s tech culture, but I don’t think it’s that much different than Toronto.

One thing is for certain though, the soul of Blizzard’s games is completely different. They’ve changed, and it is what it is. I have no stake in their company, but they’ve shifted away from what I thought made them great, and through various anecdotes I can see that others also share this sentiment… certainly my close friends who still play video games all agree as well.

Diablo Immortal is really the best example of this. The game just looks so safe and generic – like they’re trying to market it as some lord of the rings-esque fantasy adventure for mass market appeal. It’s also on mobile so all the rich soccer moms can play it on their tablets and pump in tons of cash – or the more realistic example, distribute it in East Asia. I find it odd that a country which produced such a large population would be offended by Jaina’s cleavage – seems a bit at odds.

Oh well… it is what it is.

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I agree with the majority of your post. I don’t disparage that Blizzard has deviated greatly from captivating audiences with it’s major titles. It’s clear that for whatever reason, our expectations as a community have been… - I don’t know… - dulled and diminished. However, it’s clear they continue to expect from us our monetary dispensement. I bought this dungeon release because I am a big fan of the single player content. My frustration comes from the fact that I doubt I’ll see a blue post on the matter and worse yet I realize other than a few card packs and a couple of days of fun, that this will quickly fade behind with the rest of the solo content. There’s nothing wrong with a developer standing amongst the rest and saying, “Maybe we need to start listening to and respecting the community.” However, I know this is a fruitless effort, I know that my expectations for this company are too high due to the volume of players and requests and worse yet; standard company practices.

It’s not surprising. If you look at BrknSoul’s posting history you’ll see he’s one of these Blizz shills that leaps to their defense no matter the suggestion. I guess he doesn’t understand the company pays CMs to do that so his efforts are unnecessary.

Anyway, I had uninstalled this game nearly a year ago. Came back to check out Dalaran Heist and enjoy it. The only way I see myself playing this game is paying 2,000ish gold for the solo content as it comes out. While I used to enjoy regular PvP mode the escalating costs/designed-for-whales format of cranking out expansions isn’t worth it for me to keep up with the fun decks.

At least with Dalaran Heist I only have to do enough quests to get 2,000ish gold every few months. Fortunately you get the Zayle card that lets you play Whizbang-type decks in order to do PvP dailies. But, yes, I would appreciate it if they added solo type quests that granted less gold but allowed people to stay out of the sh_t show that is ranked and casual.

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