Blizzard broke HS again

This crazy mage combo coin / Tsunami switch with Portalmancer Skyla play Tsunami for 0 on turn 5 and play rogue Conniving Conman on turn 6 for another Tsunami and then opponent concedes.


Take that back…
Turn 5 bah, its turn 4 for you, Conman should be played on 5.

If the opponent doesnt concede that is.

i lost on turn 4 to aggro before so …there is no difference at all

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Nothing in the game should cost 0 and all mana cheat erradicated out of the existence forever!!!

When you break the mana system you break the game based on it.


There is a difference? The minions don’t usually have up to 6 health and freeze as well. So, unclearable compared to aggro boards

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Yep, this.

And that difference makes all the difference xD

Yes there is…

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Nerf coin go to 1 lol.


I’m having a lot of success vs Tsunami as Rainbow Shaman so far.


I can send some replays as well, but I feel like you pretty much always have a solid answer.

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This is basically just wave of nostalgia’s problem just on mage. It’s a potential turn 5 win but only if the opponent doesn’t have more armor than the false knight in Hollow Knight, isn’t using counter spell secrets, and/or isn’t controlling the lifesteal on the board. I can’t tell if it’s unbalanced or not cause the amount of circumstances that come together to put your enemy in an unwinnable position turn 5 is finicky at best from both strats. I may have to feel even dirtier and say secret hunter doesn’t look so bad compared to what it has to go against anymore

8-0 tonight with Overheal Priest in Legend vs Mage. It almost isn’t fair. I hope this glorious era of Mage dominance continues forever.



Makes perfect sense!


Are you all imagining things? Mages are nowhere near top in stats today. Even zoo hunters beat it.

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It is the #1 deck in top legend. Turns out getting 4 3/6’s on turn 4 that attack the turn thy hit the board, then a turn 5, then a turn 6 of the same is pretty good.


At least ‘new’ zephrys didn’t turn out to be as overbearing as ‘old’ zephrys. Kind of sad how low impact (mage not withstanding) this miniset has been. I did like the 2/2 DK thing that summons an 8 drop in deathrattle/demon warlock… and that 6/6 rush demon is fun in DH. None of the new elementals (either zephyrs/shaman tourist) seems to have moved the needle on shaman/elemental mage.

I hope theres some cube deck hiding out there because this game needs something interesting to come out of this miniset.

What’s your data? I EASILY see signs on hsguru of several other decks being better; I have said before I do not wait for thousands of samples per archetype because I understand statistics enough to know that’s utterly dumb; hundreds of samples for a single archetype are way more than enough to have a good early taste of performance.

And I have a VERY good idea why that mage is not going to walk too far; it appears to rely on 1 single card or 2 to even work; so it appears to be able to win spectacularly but also remain dull and powerless for many rounds with very common cases of bad luck of draw.

so you agree that coins shouldnt be spells?

In my opinion, the way to balance this without destroying it, is to nerf the elementals HP to 4 or 5, instead of 6.

Look both ways before you cross the stats, before we consider reducing a minions max health we must first consider who (if any) would have the spell damage or board clears for it as it stands. I would imagine odyn warrior could barrage it down enough times if he didn’t want to waste a brawl, I refuse to let druid occupy my mind rn but I know they got spell damage stuff for cheap. Obviously another mage could stand up to the problem by being a part of the problem.