Big Demon Warlock support? (standard)

Most of the Warlock minions coming out with PiP are Pain Warlock cards.
Pain Warlock was already pretty strong while Big Demon Warlock is starving with only
2-3 different payoff demons for Game Master Nemsy and Crane Game to fight over.

So instead of even a single big deathrattle demon we get two 1/1s with battlecries, and a 1/6 with a deathrattle that only functions on your turn?

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i dunno what to say… wait for the miniset maybe? maybe death knight will get a demon or two? lol probably not

or, of course, play wild…

“play wild.” yeah that’s why I put (standard) in the post’s title

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They did add that mana cheat spell that reduces deathrattle minions by 3 which makes wretched queen cost 5. I mean tribal decks havent been a thing now in standard for a very long time but mana cheat is always a powerful effect and mabye getting out queen on 5 is enough to take the deck into tier W space with all the other support (cursed campaign and so forth).

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I like Bonfire, but it has the same problem as all the other big demon support cards, which is that there are far too few actual big demons. Most of the demons in standard are either too small or have battlecries which make summoning them bad.

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Well they also gutted all the demon support cards in the rotation (voidcaller/malganis). The best bet is to hope they give something to death knight, but most likely it will be less on the demon side and more on the deathrattle side as they seem to be focusing on the deathrattle rather than the tribal.


Most of the old demons are DR cards.

This is your support.

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this is how its’ been for Big Lock for like 4 years

one expansion will have big demon support (but no good demons), and then nothing for 5-6 expansions.