Honestly, this is 2nd time mentioning it here. First time was not even acknowledged, so I am not even sure if anybody from blizzard reads it. I guess not, but will write it anyway.
I play BGs.
I get disconnected and reconnected.
I can buy minions, I can sell minions, I can play minions, but I dont see things happening - I cant do anything with new cards I buy, I dont see new shop. I can buy out entire shop, but that is kind of it. Then I need to wait for disconnect/reconnect to get to play with those cards.
After half a minute the game says “you were disconnected, reconnecting”.
Again - I see new shop (which I rolled), but I cant roll again to see next shop. If I generate things, I dont see it as it is somewhere in between battlecry and my hand.
This is the most annoying bug in BGs, because it is basically locking you out of game, especially when playing APM.
It is not even about placement, but about you having great game and being locked out struggling to do anything, because oyu cant do anything. This is not first time it happened - it happened before like 5 times and still no response.
I tried everything when it happened - I switched to phone from laptop and disconnected from wifi playing on data. I restarted HS. I switched back to my laptop.
I have a video, if needed. 4 minutes of me doing pretty much nothing, just looking at the game without any chance to do anything. So upseting.