BG's have a problem

I’ve been playing off and on since open beta. And pretty much exclusively BG’s since their introduction into the game. I have NEVER been a leaver. Like ever. It urks the crap outa me when people do it. But things have gotten to the point where if this 1 family is in the game the whole game becomes unplayable. Much more so than anything I have ever experienced in this game. Basically if beasts are in, then I’m out and on to the next match.

They are doing nothing about beasts at all in 29.0.3. I have managed to climb pretty well (7500ish right now) by literally just playing out in beast lobbies until whoever won the lottery hits T6 because I can usually place 2nd or 3rd. It’s not exactly ‘fun’ though.

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See and for me it’s not about how I place. I’m never trying to climb the ladder but I typically hang in the mid 6k range. But I can take an 8th place loss and have fun in a good match. While I often get ~3rd in with beasts in and have had a miserable experience.

Who really cares about leveling anymore, generally I see if I can start anything going by turn 5 and if I can’t I leave. There is always someone who hits the lottery and is destroying everyone so who cares about trying to stay and try to recover. It’s a waste of time and that’s the sucky thing about the current BGs meta, there is no build and recover anymore.

And there’s very little scam. If it’s Undead/Beasts, venomous means almost nothing. Cleave is good, but you need a big guy in order for it to be viable in the end game. Beasts have had such a ride the last year. YEAR! No real counter whatsoever. If I had to choose one card good for counter Beasts not in the game and should be is Whitemane. It would require actual thinking when playing Beasts.

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Yup. After this post the other day I still had a hard time auto-conceding, it’s just not my personality. But since then there’s been 6 or so games that I got to the end and had a miserable time PURELY because of beasts. So … I guess I’ll just put the game aside and check back in a couple patches to see if it’s ever going to be worth playing again.