(bg) remove sunbacon relaxer and the other t1 quil

As title says.

These minions are so horrible now that quils no longer revolve around playing lots of gems. I feel like insta resign every time i get one of these minions from a random effect or if my first shop is bacon bacon +the other quil (this happens way more then it should as well lol.

The design is just so bad in general. All these artifacts from older builds just stay in the game creating a very imbalanced and unfun experience with lots of misses.

I must be way out of the loop, but if you aren’t playing gems how are you playing Quilboars?

Most gems, especially in the late game, are played by minions through battlecries/deathrattles/etc, instead of having a gem and playing it directly, but the gems are still useful

I get that part, but the Tier one minions can buff anyone and are quite helpful early if other, better options aren’t available. I just am not following how generating them to generate more or gold is bad, but I guess that’s why I’m not at the top of the leaderboards.

Relaxer is quite often a solid first pick. Gems aren’t exclusively to Quillboar builds. They have other uses as well and you don’t even really need to buff them in some instances. There’s only 1 time i would even think about playing a full QB build and that’s with a specific hero and sitting on tier 4 for the entire game in this current meta.

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