Bg no pirates? no problem!

had one game without pirates in the new bg update.

went on a streak of 7 wins carried off the back of a single pat leader + rat

the game feels sooo much better without pirates! or maybe its just without cannon? either way it felt good!!

tldr delete cannon? or make banning 1 tribe part of the battleground pass maybe?


no giant murlocs with poison shields?
I dont believe.

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I am sure it was in there at the end game, I didn’t finish top 3 my point was I didn’t have my board sniped every single turn by cannon and it felt sooo goood,

The game without pirates was much slower it was the battlegrounds I was missing tbh

like having a pirates game just now guy ahs

edit :Just in a game now matched against a guy who has …

cannon, deathrattle summon, deathrattle summon, dethrattle taunt summon, deathrattletuant summon…

yeah gg no anyone not running a cannon and to him if it gets sniped by a cannon :rofl: stupid gameplay mechanics, every round I lost so far is to someone that rng a cannon