Bg meta and hero guide

A few short and general remarks about the current meta in bg.
While watching certain stream i noticed not everyone understands how the meta is now different.
Maybe these tips can help people appreciate the game more.

The current meta is very fast and economy is king.

This has several implications for hero selection and gameplay.

Hero powers that cost money are all bad. With the exception of eco hero powers like rafaam and maiev. Putri is playable if you adept to the changes but i wont go into specifics now.

You can not affort to spend money on hp ever. Ctun hero power is never worth it. Other hp that cost money are not worth it either. Cariel,jaraxxus,george,scamzarak. Dont play these heros. Jailer is worth it if you can hp a cleave once it is at 7-8 but generally not a hero you want to pick either,though sometimes you have to if you play with 2 heroes.

Now that everything is so tempo oriented i will highlight one common mistake in the opening.

You buy a good unit on turn one because dont have token ( if token then buy token).
On turn 2 the shop has 1 token and a good minion or even 2+ tokens.
Many players go jeef curve from here.
Which is buy the good minion on turn 2,freeze and then on turn 3 buy the token and lvl.

This is inefficient and pretty bad in current meta. The correct play is:lvl and freeze the shop on 2. Turn 3 is buy/sell token and then you can either buy a good 2 from the extra tavern spot or the good one that you have frozen.

Rolling with normal curve. Roll once on tier 3 and if dont get a good shop then lvl. Always lvl on 9 gold at the latest.
Dont lvl on 8 gold and then roll on 4 to freeze. Freeze is expensive and rarely worth it. You commit to early and it does cost 1 gold. Only very good minions are worth a freeze. Generally you want stay 1 turn on 4 and then go 5 and 6.
On 5 and 6 you can spend more gold to roll.

This just in general. Every situation is different and can be a reason to deviate.

Might add more later,if question feel free to ask.

Tldr. Current meta is tempo. You cant be inefficient with gold in the early and mid game.


This might need some clarification as some hp seem to be good tempo on the board in the early and midgame. I should have been a bit more specific.

Board tempo is not the tempo i mean.
The tempo i am talking about is the tempo to find a comp asap.
Which is extremely important in current meta and should take priority over the board tempo which these hero powers can give.

Once you have found your comp then often hp like ctun is worth it later in the game for aditional scaling.

But this type of lategame value is less important then finding your comp asap.