BG duos and my disdain for the game mode

having reached ~5k rating playing almost exclusively with random people, I can categorically say that the mode needs some serious behind-the-scenes work done to it, not only is there such a chasm of skill levels it’s disgusting, I should not be getting matched with someone who has very clearly never played the mode before, not just that, but I’m sick and fed up of people who queue up for games, then very obviously quit the mode just before the rope ends for turn 1, and while I get that there’s a rating lock effect so you don’t loose rating when someone leaves, it’s still very frustrating to have to deal with those who are very clearly trolling;

don’t even get me started on the people who don’t actually quit but instead hang around doing absolutely nothing until the last second at which point it’s far too late and sabotaging the game as a result of their actions, effectively being held hostage.


if you dont like it, leave, rating doesnt matter

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My disdain is for players like you frequently complaining about so called “inferior” partners in duos. Get over yourself, it’s just a game.

I now take great delight in ignoring my “superior” partners “requests”.


if rating doesn’t matter, why does it exist at all? Genuine question, I’m curious to know if it truly has no meaning, then why does it even need to be there, to begin with?

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It’s largely a psychological tool to manipulate players. People like to watch meaningless numbers go up for some reason. I am guilty of it myself sometimes even though I know it’s meaningless

Rating also has an effect on who you play against, though the visible number is reset each season, you’re always matched against people with similar hidden mmr

This is not the central point of your post, but this kind of thing is why I would be anxious to even try the mode at this point. I havent’ played a single game and I can already imagine my partner being really angry at me for not knowing what’s going on.

I was as well, but CheezusCrust wanted to play a game, so I tried it out. It helped that he reminded me that it was just battlegrounds and that rating doesn’t matter. I had trouble getting into the rhythm of it. We did not do well lol

Then I tried to queue into a regular game but didn’t realize it defaulted back to Duos, so got paired with a random. They made many requests, but I did pretty much everything they said unless I had a specific alternate plan, figuring that I could blame them if I lose lol. They started kissy face emoting at me as we stomped the rest of the lobby. It was a positive experience

My nephew enjoyed playing some battlegrounds on my account a few seasons ago and expressed an interest in playing it again, and I think duos could be a lot of fun for both of us


Dizzydwarf just go away

You posted on my thread and you spewed utter garbage

The OP is completely correct

But people like dizzydwarf who have no brain say the game is fun

2 year olds think knocking over blocks is fun

I’m about to block you for life dizzydwarf do any reply or post I won’t see your crap

OP again you are correct

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Hahaha dizzy is so right and you are so triggered

You can’t handle the truth

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That’s me told

Is there a way to block those?

after a bit of time since i made this post, I hit the 6k MMR bracket, and that is truly where the toxic BS starts, never have I had to deal with so many morons afk or troll selling their boards to sabotage the game, it’s honestly disgusting that you can’t report these absolute bottom feeders for such pathetic behaviour and if it wasn’t for the MMR floor being a thing I suspect my MMR is around 5k lower than it should be thanks to these muppets, do people genuinely get a semi on by doing this sort of thing?

Today my partners were busy and I played with randoms.

One of them has a power that copies the death rattle of dead servants when he himself is dying.

He has minions with deathrattle on his board but he puts his 2/2 heroic minion on the far left !

I try to make him understand that he is in a very bad place because he should be on the far right, with the emotes I point out his power, I say to myself “but he doesn’t read the cards !”. :angry: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

What happened after 2 rounds where his board was rolled over (me with it because I couldn’t fight 2 players), guess ?


He SOLD his heroic servant !!! :rage: :triumph:

I accept playing with people who make mistakes (I also sometimes make them in a hurry), but there are limits to stupidity.

I left the game (his rating will not change but mine lost points).

Maybe you guys should not play Duos with randoms. I am giving you advice; Only play with friends that you know.

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My partners are not always there and I don’t always come across bad players.
I find that it’s more “fun” (stimulating) in DUO, once you have learned to play SOLO and you have a big advantage.

Sometimes, the players are really good, they master all the synergies well, we feel that they know the cards very well and everything is impeccable because we understand each other very well with the emotes.

With a very good random player, I even gave my companion a triple because he had made me understand previously on the single through the “portal” emote that he wanted it and it was really profitable for him.
Of course we were first!

There are not only bad experiences with randoms.

The skill difference does seem way more variable in duos than in regular BGs, but that’s probably because the mode isn’t as popular, so less players = higher variance. I’m around 8300 at the moment in regular BGs, and I have definitely gotten duo players who are better than me and far worse than me. It’s honestly fairly eye opening since I think MM in BGs is really quite good at least up at 8300.

I’ve had opponents in duos who, for instance, roll 6 gold away on turn 4 (when you just basically always buy two minions) and had one guy doing absolutely crazy stuff with murlocs, building a huge carry board while he supported me with scam units like the ele quillboar, leeroy and +dmg 1 to all guy to disrupt all the mech builds.

But it’s super high variance. I’d guess the murloc player was 9-10k and the 6 gold roller was, jeez, who knows, when do people stop doing that? 4k?

Baby necro aside, when i see a game or a game with a gamemode i don’t like, i don’t play it. :woman_shrugging:t4:

Same :wink:
Sometimes I learn something.

Are we to understand that you are leaving the game ?

She doesn’t actually play any Hearthstone game modes, she only plays the HS forums fishing game to get the achievements and titles.

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OK :slightly_smiling_face:

I build my “Mercenary” characters (against the AI).

I sometimes play “standard” to complete (or not) daily or weekly quests but without developing the decks (not really) and I play “arm wrestling” to win it once.

What interests me, for the moment, are the battlegrounds (duo is more fun than solo but I do both).