yes, you have 2 mmr, one is hiden another is shown. But for what? Players just devide each other to high and low mmr players, supposing that you are nothing with high mmr. For what that?
Coyld you just have HIDEN MMR to matchmaking? like you have in ARENAS. you can have your rating tabbles in web, like in arenas.
If you do hiden MMR - players will listen anothers by what they say about gameplay and what strategy they think, and not judge just about MMR thet have seen.
It will be more respect between players in game, but still due ti hiden mmr matchmaking will be fair.
players always can share fun moments in the game and play for this - for nice moments, not for increasing mmr. Interesting moment attract people to the game more than collect numbers. They always can collect cards in usual mode. And such a moments and good strategy can be shown in any mmr.
This post is amazing. Not only the MMR is already hidden, it’s bad that it’s already hidden.
eh? Im glaf you liked it, but didnt get your thought
You’re talking about something called RATING (or rank in constructed terms). The MMR is already totally hidden. The MMR (which is hidden and always was hidden) is something I’d like to be shown.