BG - 1 armor with demons and Soul Rewinder

Hello Blizzard,

I had a Hearthstone BG match where I mained demons, and was on 30hp+1armor health when I got my Soul Rewinder. From that point, every hero damaging effect has caused to trigger the broke armor animation, and because of the rewinder, the armor added animation.

This gone through the whole game, as I pinched up more damaging effects and an additional rewinder. Not taking hero damage during battles made this a really extended experience.

Main problem is that it has cut a big chunk out of my round timer, approx I would say to 1/3rd when you shuffle demons, have Malchezaar so on refreshes as well, etc.

Can you take a look at this please? Iā€™m sure impacting the round-time with such is not your desired outcome with this mechanic in place.

I did play this round on an iPad, so not sure if other clients are affected.

Thanks a lot in advance for looking into it, kind regards,


i too noticed this issue

Was about to make post like yours just now. It was extremely painful to play, glad I still managed to win.

I am still experiencing this issue. It occurs anytime you lose your remaining armor. The interaction makes playing demons incredibly unfun.
This can probably be fixed by either making so that soul rewinder recover only health and not armor or whenever a demon card or Wrath Weaver deals damage to its owner, the damage passes through armor. The later change fits better with the class fantasy of warlocks as they sacrifice their life not their gear.

it is a weirdly slow interaction