Best way play now

Play once a month earn my card back for the month and stick it to HS for the rest of the month while meta other trash to be nerfed again. What did nerf tier 2 deck do nothing to the meta it still a tier 2 deck. Does same think just little slower and rest stuff on meta play against does even faster now.

Or you can just not play for the entire rest of the life. Save the time by enjoying other games.

Meta either going to die in a few days into the new expansion or any balance changes.

I start play TCG Card Shop Simulator it in early access but add so can play game in sim soon like table top.

Uh no thanks. I rather stick to Helldivers now.


I’m 80’s baby so grew up during the card shop age still remember going to the card shop and get actual card pack with my allowance to add to the collection to show my friends. I had original magic cards and even Pokemon go for like millions dollars now.

Well I’m 90’s baby; but only played variety of games.