What sites or channels would you recommend for general and deck-specific guides for people who are pretty new to card games like this?
Hsreplay is the most popular site for the meta, top decks, winrates, match ups and mulligan percentages.
Kris 0 five on youtube is the best hearthstone guide for new players. Providing insight videos on the best decks available and his thought process behind every play.
Brian Kibler is the all time favorite hearthstone streamer on twitch. Instructive and fun to watch.
Other sites that are good resources:
Hearthstone Top Decks and hearthstone-decks.net
track top decks posted by top players on Twitter and other sources. Hearthstone Top Decks also has many articles including ones with budget decks.
HSGuru has data from streamers playing deck builds in top Legend that you can pull from.
Hearthpwn and Out of Games have user-submitted decks, you can find all sorts of builds there, some with very detailed deck guides. I personally post my deck builds on Hearthpwn, under Jonius7.
Can you elaborate? Is there an article or something somewhere on this?
There is RNG aspect but it ultimately does not determine your progression over many games. A lot of card draw and tutoring these days improves the consistency of decks.
Additionally F2P to Legend is entirely possible, if you’re smart about it.
There is some discrepancy between new accounts getting Legend and older ones, in that new accounts will have an easier time as they are facing worse players and get there with a high winrate, even reaching top 500. When it’s harder for established accounts to climb through Legend to do the same thing.
My best rank is Legend 1019, never quite broke the top 1000, maybe some day I will.
As far as new player guides go, there are lots, but most of them are very old and outdated.
As far as some of the more useful HS websites go, here is a list of the ones that I use the most:
Oh, and here is a list of search options for managing your collection better: