Believe this or not

He is full of it, just a LIE he told because it was his real life friend

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Of all the things that didn’t happen today that didn’t happen the most.


Provide screen shots.

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Well, I would bet money that I’m older than you and I think you are full of hot air.


Ah, the person that wants less rights for future generations… with this sort of rationale I am happy knowing your entire thread is a fiction.


So in other words, you lyin.


Total BS. That is not how a GM message goes. They wouldn’t go into any details. It would be apologetic and say something like we are sorry but there is nothing we can do for this issue. That’s how a real GM response would go. They wouldn’t tell you anything about countries and things being off limits.


I met the tooth fairy and Santa Claus last night, but they said I’m not allowed to show proof of their existence because it would upset Jesus Christ, so their hands are tied. But totally believe me, the conversation was real and anyone with a brain would totally believe me


It may have even unhappened things that did happen. I distinctly remember talking to the CEO of Blizzard about getting one of those tournament accounts but when i checked in today, nothing!

Calls people stupid
Does not know about cropping screen shots

The only charitable interpretations of this comment is that you either don’t know how to crop screenshots or that you (or your “girlfriend”) started saying personal info all over a conversation as soon as some guy said he was a DM and you can’t crop anything without spilling something else.

Both of these put you on the “Can’t call people stupid” box


GMs don’t say if they’re going to ban an account and they don’t say they’re not going to either.

Believing someone’s words without any evidence is what would be really stupid.