Beast Animation is boring

I’m not saying it’s overpowered but I just go afk when I need to sit there and watch one thousand leap frog animations. However, it does break the game as you will only have 20 seconds of recruit time because you’re watching leap frogs and other weird beast animations for 20 minutes. Does Blizzard even test these mechanics? Seems pretty sloppy right?


The issue is that Leap Frogger has been in rotation before. So they are well aware of the degenerate gameplay style of that card if pulled off properly. That’s why they introced white mane again so we can easily snipe Baron.

But I do agree, the animations are just mind numbing. If they can speed up shudder wock animations why cant they do the same for leap frogger?

It’s so bad . Nobody wants to watch it . Just restart the game to skip all that crap!

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Are you also annoyed if you don’t lose to it?

100% yes. The animations are just awful.

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The most waste of time is by far that pirate board, that keeps spawning small pirates, and they keep spawning because of double deathrattles.


just buy a goldrin or indomitable mount and the “tech” card is invalidated

One of the devs must screech “nooooo! U have to watch it!” Everytime another dev makes the animations faster.


Both are pretty much eggregious. Its more of a “pick your poison” kind of deal honestly.

ita card game not anime movie man. Id like to remove all animation at all, cards only metters
some animaytion in game so bright that is so hard to eyes to play … so prefer play less or not play even

yes, this too, totally agree.