Battlegrounds what it’s like

Do you know what battlegrounds is like?

Walk up to a wall and hit your face against it

That’s what it’s like

Actually hitting my face on a wall is probably more fun

Stupid yes but more enjoyable

It’s crazy that you know your game is over by turn 7

I know the fan boi police will be prowling when you criticise the game

Also the know all players who NEED to tell you how to play the game

These players don’t see the difference between frustration and triggered

I don’t get triggered, I’m not a snowflake 15 year old

With the match making a complete joke and things not being nerfed nor fixed for months what is the point in playing bgs

With the friends feature it will break bgs

Honestly I think activision just want to destroy blizzard games

World of Warcraft is laughable and shadowlands could either be not bad or be an enormous mess

Warcraft reforged was a complete fraud

Diablo’s legacy has been tarnished

Other failed games pushed through the non existent blizzard brand

People always say wait till the next patch

If they haven’t been able to fix any of their games since they took over blizzard they certainly won’t do it in the foreseeable future

I once applied to blizzard for a job during wrath but now I’d rather hit my face on a wall

If you feel you need to reply because you Know I’m wrong but you are right then don’t bother

It’s a joke of a company now

I’d be embarrassed to say I work for them

So… why are you still playing? Honest question. It doesn’t sound like any of the things you mention here were sudden revelations that came to you in a flash of insight right after you finished your last Battlegrounds game. It sounds like there are big, systemic issues with how Blizzard operates, which have been there for a while and won’t go away any time soon.

Given that, why keep playing?


What MMR are you at? I’m getting close to 6K, and game over by turn 7 is not a frequent occurence for me. I’ll agree that the matchmaking is questionable. On my most recent win I only got 99 points on my MMR, and I’m not even at 6K yet.

Bouncing around 8-10k , depends on my focus :stuck_out_tongue:
Some hero’s are way in favor compared to some other hero’s and who highrolls more triples to reach key cards like brann or baron or that battlecry dragon.

Grabbing a wrath weaver with reno jackson from turn one will guarantee you a top 4 since you will have a easy stat gain to outlast the early dropouts.

Well it was always like that.

Multiple highrolls combined = 1st or 2nd
Highroll there, lowroll there = 3rd or 4th
No highroll, no lowroll = solid 4th-6th
Multiple lowrolls = 7th or 8th

True, some patches were better, some worse regarding this but it was always like that. Good/bad dice rolls on minions offered, opponents faced, discover from tripples compared to rolls of what your opponents recieved were always the most important factors in bg.

Sure, it sucks to lowroll. Its horrible to have lowroll streaks though you can get lucky too. Yesterday I have managed to get to 9.9k thanks to pretty highroll streak with low tier heroes.

there are some small changes they could do to make things so much better. Such as ensuring you have to fight each player before you can be matched against the same one again.
I fought Jandice 4 times and Deathwing 3 times while still having 0 fights against others in my last bg.
Make all minions spawned in a fight do 1 damage to hero.
Taking 20+ damage because coiler spawned 2 6 drops as the final kill just isn’t fun and really reduces the chance for people to actually play and build boards

i had a early baron and ghastcoiler once with buying 2 shifter zerus.
Some nasty OTK happened after that :stuck_out_tongue:

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3rd best game ever made.