[Battlegrounds] This patch was incredibly Tone-Deaf

I don’t get the complaints that murlocs went untouched.

Almalgadon is a clear buff for murlocs. How can you say they weren’t touched?

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I dont think amalgadon is a buff to murlocs,its not the tier 6 you are looking for with murlocs and when you get to discover a 6 or are at tier 6 you usually already have a board full of murlocs.
Its a buff to menagerie if anything,i dont know i think its a ok card that isnt op or anything but still usefull.

But goldrin why? Hes useless at tier 6. Many people did like the wulf,all the reactions on forum are proove of this.
Like how you ever combine with barron,you wont buy barron before you have the wulf 1 tier higher. You could buy barron without wulf on t5 in anticipation of getting it but with wulf at tier 6 that seems a bit iffy.
Barron and parrot are now for mechs i guess,bombs and such. Or maybe some random build with spawns selfless and barron.
Meanwhile the uber boring murlocs “do i get the right evole,do i get the bargurgle in first turn on t5 (if not you are pretty much to late already)” are still there as strongest endgame.

With standard when they release new stuff they make it viable and good,maybe a little to good but at least there is incentive to play the new stuff. We had 2 new tribes (pirates beeing great,dragons beeing boring) yet murloc still sits there as the ultimate comp.

You sure about this? Ive yet to hit it with primal and alex

ROFL, just switch to teamfight tactics for battlegrounds and runeterra for hearthstone! you will actually have devs who will buff and nerf cards properly not this rng circus you are getting over here.

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Troll go away. Nobody needs you to be here to praise other games. If you are still here means you want to make HS worse.

Toxic forum killer here? Blizzard isn’t making china games and by your grammar, I can say you came here for the sole purpose of disruption.

I wish they had switched Mama Bear and Goldrinn. Now Beasts are completely pointless and have nothing to go for. Maybe a slightly nerfed Mama Bear would be balanced, but at least having something at 5 would be nice.

I agree Gemini. Nobody goes beasts in any games I am in. Beasts are completely dead mabye even more than mechs. Meanwhile murlocs are op A.F.

ROFL, tell that to goface DH cyclick whose post promoting LOR is allowed to get 50+ likes and remained in it. And china games? ERRRRRR have you googled blizzard 2019 controversy ? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA

And you have no right to tell me whether i should be here or not LOL. I paid a lot for cards since goblins and gnomes and as a paying customer, i have every right to critique a game i paid for, at least 40x more then what i can get for other small sum of payable games.

Yeah, Mama Bear should be lower on tier list as she is mid-late game enabler for beasts, the same way Brann is for Murlocs and Menagerie. I don’t think that they are even using spreadsheets when balancing. T6 is full of beast type rn but when you get to that point it’s already too late since beasts are and were the weakest tribe (aside for a short time parrot was in it’s prime). Only decent units it has are Rat Pack at t2 and Hydra at t4 and 2/4 Hydra can’t do anything against other t4 without buffs. Everything else is T6.

Emmmm. Blizzard isn’t operated by a Chinese company yet, as far as I now. But if I were you, I would play my favorite games instead of hanging out in an irrelevant forum.

Not even 3 days into the patch and yeah, I think I’m uninstalling. This meta feels god-awful. The game has just been getting worse and worse with every patch. You all were right pointing out Amalgadon is a buff to Murlocs. Sick of dying before Turn 10 because I don’t have a Cannon, sick of having to go Murlocs every game because over half the archetypes are weak or unplayable, sick of losing at the Hero select screen.

I don’t know why I’m surprised, this is typical Blizzard “balance.” Guess I learned nothing from when I quit Standard years ago.