Battlegrounds Survey

So by “Widget” you mean like an overlay that gives you more information than you would normally have? I just don’t see how you have a P2W feature unless it is just giving you more health, armor, gold or free rerolls.

Edit: Never mind i just saw Zeddy video showing what was on the Survey. All i can say to that is WOW. If they implemented that system i would be completely out of BG’s. That really is straight up P2W. Hopefully they get the correct response to those questions and it is never implemented.


Your instincts were clearly on point :slight_smile:
I, for one, made it clear I wouldn’t pay for such a thing. I suspect most people who actually play BG wouldn’t either. Not even P2W it actually feels like P2C(heat).
There’s a reason you basically never hear about these surveys (I’ve done probably 10 or so for HS and several more for WoW, D4, etc.) and this one provoked a response.

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Yeah and I’m not interested in paying for the P2w extras. The only thing I’d consider are the goofy emotes and the cosmetics, because I enjoy those things.
I’m not paying for hero selection, for example. That’s going too far . Of course at high mmr everyone would be doing it so there is no real advantage, just the illusion of one.

Just pointing out that its suppose to be on the down low. I’m not sure even they even want it to be discussed on the forum.

I’m sure they don’t, which is why I haven’t given any specifics at all in my posts of anything mentioned in the survey, although others have (since it’s making the rounds on YouTube/Reddit/etc. it’s pretty much public knowledge now regardless). If they thought proposing something P2W wasn’t going to trigger a backlash…well now they know.

In the survey’s it does specify to keep it confidential.


I didn’t get sent a survey and it’s probably because they’re gonna have ideas written by peak 3k mmr trash can players and I’m gonna write in the details section “you cannot lose MMR at this bracket”

Also, everyone just let the pay to play better 4-pick restriction happen. This is just more of the same from these big nosed freaks at the executive desks

It does. Unfortunately it’s all over Reddit and on other social media. The cat is out of the bag, so to speak.