[Battlegrounds-Shop] Perks

So yesterday/today depending on time zone I noticed that a patch came out and logged in to play and saw that the Battlegrounds costed 2k gold while literally couple a hours before they costed 650 gold I presume cause the season will end soon so they where at a discounted price when I saw that they costed 2k gold + the patch came out I put those two together and figured that the season started early or something and I bought them for the gold that I was saving up for quite a while only to discover after less than 24h that the price went back to 650 gold, so ends up I payed all my long time saved up gold(2k) only to have the perks for couple day’s no refund or discount for perks when they refresh is available from the game masters feels like I was just ripped off. I wouldn’t have bought them in first place if i wouldn’t have seen that the price went up to 2k like it only usually goes at the start of new season/card pack.
Kind regard.

You see the new reward track… If the answer is no is because they don’t reset

Sorry, but I do not understand what do you mean with your comment

Battleground Perks only last for a single expansion. You were notified of this before you purchased the Battleground Perks. Fractured in Alterac Valley doesn’t release until Dec 7.

No bug here.

Regarding account issues, you’ll need to contact Support. No one can help you here with refunds.

I know that they last only for one expansion, the bug was in the fact that the price increased to 2k gold for couple of hours while it was 650 gold it only needed to increase whenever the new expansion comes out, please read the full post… new patch plus price increase to 2k gold as I mentioned I put those two together and fought it came out faster or something, later on couple of hours later the price for perks went back down to 650 gold
Edit: about refunds I also mentioned that game masters can’t do anything about it they just redirected me to here

Ask for your Support Ticket to be escalated. Low-level Support tends to fob people off to the bug report forum because that’s what their script tells them to do.

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