Battlegrounds posibility to ban tribes or filter heroes!

I just wanted to make this post as this becomes frequently observed.

Please make posibility to ban tribes you dont want to play with or to select from heroes list to start with.

Make an option to select from heroes you want always to start with.

I dont want to play with the major of the heroes you are offering me.
Let me chosee my favorite heroes. And let the others to choose their own preffered heroes and compare.

I dont want to choose alwais form the same heroes you are offering me.
Some of the tribes and heroes are always ignored and forced the players to leave the game early as there is no point to play with them.
This is the way you can have a feedback from players for the preffered heroes and make adjustments.

As an only once in a while BG’er, just some things i noticed in my experience:

Sounds nice but what if everyone picks the same few starting heroes, do some of the people get stuck with someone they don’t want or just forced out of the match entirely?

Also the rng is kinda part of the point to the tavern minions i think. Narrowing it down to a specific tribe only would make the stronger builds a bigger problem even faster than normal.

i could be way off in those observations since i’m not big on BGs just seems that way to me anyway

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The point of BG’s is to have a large variety of Heroes in the pool. Figuring out which hero is the best match for the tribes in the current lobby is a big part of the game. Limiting tribes only weakens other tribes.

Sure when you learn BG’s you play just a single tribe and that’s it. That’s just baby steps in the game though. Mixing tribes is where the real fun is at. You won’t get anywhere later in the ladder just playing a single tribe. Combining and seeing the synergies is what you are striving for.

My advice if you are a new player. Just keep working at it and the game will open up to you the more you play.