Battlegrounds Pogo Hopper

What is the point in having Pogo-Hopper polluting the card pool with its irresistible appeal towards a late game bunny smashing your enemies into oblivion? Absolutely useless unless you get three, which is near never. In fact your likely too lose the entire thing even trying. Even if two were available immediately on turn 3. There such a weak play that if you don’t get one within a turn or two you’ve probably taken a ton of damage; for nothing.

I want to just have fun Shudderwocking my Pogo!

Pogo Hopper, high risk, low reward. That being said if you can pull it off and get your Pogo to astronomical heights the gloriousness of owning the field with a Pogo Hopper is worth a thousand eighth place finishes.

But more likely you will get wrecked by a 2/1 murloc with poison.


I got a second golden pogohopper playing as Shudderwock when most people were tier three. It landed as 63/63.

Cruised to victory after that.


Its a card for daryl I feel,more so then for shudderwock. Spending 2 for double battlecry is to low tempo in general and specially bad with pogo hoppers which you want to cycle untill you have a really big one and then the battlecry goes to waste when used on your first few pogos.
Shudderwock i feel has one of the best hero powers in general but its to expensive. His hero power is either OP for 1 mana or just a tad to expensive at 2 mana.
Daryl plays and sells a lot of minions which makes pogo a perfect fit,you don’t lose out on anything while pumping up the pogo (by play and cycle it,not by dancing on it) and then at one point you might have a big one.
Though pogos are still falling behind usefull battlecrys with daryl. Somehow it is lacking in power. Still has some potential being a mech.

It’s a TRAP!

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I didn’t use the Shudderwock hero power on pogo until I had a Golden one. First one dropped as 21/21 on turn 6 or so. It soloed everyone for a while until the bigger one came out.

I have once seen an opponent’s Pogo-Hopper over 300/300 (died by my Poisonous minion LOL), don’t ask me how my opponent did so when I never see Pogo-Hopper offered more than twice a game.

But yeah, I tried it once staying at T2 and as said, I only got offered it just once more. You need a ridiculous amount of luck (or find where Bob lives and hold his kids hostage) for it to work. There’s a good reason I only see an opponent focusing on it like once every 5 games.

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For the reasons you state - it’s a gamble that pays off sometimes. Shuddershock can improve those odds, as does a lucky brand.

Most end game strats are a gamble or luck - if neither of those pan out, enjoy 3rd or 4th place.

89/91is 7 pogo if i remember good whit divine shield ^^ hero sudden…

I swear they nerfed the pool or something… I rarely go for Pogo Hoppers, but if I’m roped into Shudderwock and I see an early Pogo Hopper, of course I’m taking it… and they only show up maybe once every nine rolls. Do people just snipe them when they see a Shudderwock or something? I never ever get them. I see them way more often if I’m playing a different hero. I could get 5 Scavaging Hyenas before I see 2 Pogo Hoppers.

If you can pull a few Hoppers , they can give you a huge advantage in early rounds. Should you pull an Iron Sensei or a Lightfang Enforcer, they can keep it relevant for late game. If not, pitch it when it’s no longer valuable. Luck is a significant and uncontrollable portion of success in BG. Flexibility is very controllable, and is nearly as significant.

Only 63/63? Clearly you didn’t greed hard enough, when I got a second golden Pogo as Shudderwock it was 94/84.

If you keep the tavern in tier 2, should get pogos more consistently :v

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my 1st ever game i got Shudder, only 2 options for me so it was kinda forced to me, and i went for pogos.

they didn’t reach ridiculous numbers, like the biggest one was in the 60s, but it was enough to get 1st

never doing that again though, too stressful hunting for a super specific minion and too much reroll…

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I got 4 gold last game, highest one was 152/148

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