Battlegrounds now = First to Quilboar loadout

I’m sure I’m not the only one. It seems all I have to do is get a quilboar loadout to win matches. I’ve managed to get some heroes with 1st place wins just by using this strategy.
Now it’s getting boring. When are we going to have a balance patch?


poison is still the ultimate endgame comp, menagerie featuring quilboar is better than straight quilboar. dealing heavy damage in the early stages can cripple people that pigeonhole themselves into certain builds also.



Balance is completely broken, when they added elems they had some overvalue with right cards you find, pigs are however always play on value almost no matter in which order you find them. Powercreep is insane now, needs a fix asap.

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Every game I’ve played everyone just rushed to tier 4 for the honker scam then T5 triple for the quilboar full board scam this meta is absolute trash

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This is the worst the game has ever been. I’ve logged over 700 hours now into bgs, and while the last content drought was getting stale, I would take it any day now over current Quilboars.

No it’s not. The worst the game ever was when Amalgadon was a 3/4 for 2 mana, Megasaur was in the game, and Cobalt Guardian was in the game.

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I say we protest to patch the patch…

common say it…

patch the patch....

what do we want!!!

Patch the patch!!


Either that or get insanely lucky. I was insanely lucky to get an extremely fast triple Amalgadon with Brann (it was so early I still had 2 different-tribe minions on the field in addition to some Dragons) as well as 2x Kalecgos extremely quickly. Still only barely grabbed 1st from pretty average Quilboar boards.

Nah it’s far worse now, at least back then you can win with Deryl or some other crap buff hero staying before T5 now it’s rush or bust

Meta feels bad right now. Just greed and whoever high rolls pigs wins–if you don’t high roll pigs, you’re done by turn 10. It was fun for the first few days, but something is wrong when 3/4 of the lobby is pigs and the other 2 players are mixed minions.

Can’t even play other tribes because there’s too many pigs filling up the t2, t3 and t4 slots, so it’s hard to find synergies elsewhere.

Going to take a break for awhile–not that it matters but just for perspective I’m a 8-9k player, not great, not awful.



Fix this mess man… This is the worst I have ever seen this mode. Its absolute trash now. The boars are completely and unarguably VASTLY superior to everything else. People just rush to play boars every game, and its RNG of who gets them first.

You cannot even get lucky and get a game where Boars arent a playable race!

Ridiculous man, good lord. Theres no way this was tested at all. Its a mess

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Yeah, this is about as bad as when everyone would play murlocs when megasaur still existed.

Guess I’ll probably take a break until some sort of balancing is done :confused:

:laughing: BETA :laughing: