Battlegrounds: Mechs need a rework!

Boombox is pretty much the only explode minion, the other one is Millificent’s buddy. Normally, the way to win via Mechs is to get Deflect-o-Bot early, get Omega Buster with Rivendare and just massively buff your own board, extremely similar to leap frog. That’s how I win 90% of my mech games. The boombox is the only “explode” thing, and, tbh, I use that more in my beast build with deathrattle triggers to help make room for more beast taunts.

Can you get a breakdown that only focuses on a range of mmr? like whats the most played in the 5k bracket and whats played most in the 6k bracket? Ignoring all other brackets. Just curious. Id find that immensely useful over the top players data, personally.

So much wasted time, the star of the show is clearly Boombox. He is leaps, bounds, and years above all others. He needs deleted but after that there’s still Exodia so mechs get no buffs until that’s trashed.

It’s for all players that play on PC and use HSReplay, which is arguably a very large portion of “all” but can’t sync from my phone I guess it’s still lacking some, but maybe not a lot.

I’m in a 6940 MMR game right now. 4/8 of the players are going pure mechs, 2 are elementals (a chenvala and millhouse), 1 is beasts, and I’m alone going murlocs because I got my hands on several early magmalocs.
All of the mech load outs look different. Mechs are actually OP.

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I’m edging on 7.5k MMR and I don’t even remember the last time I saw Mechs in top 4.

Lmao and they just buffed the best tribe in the game prob cause of this thread lmao.

Lmao i agree they good but like i said above.

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