Battlegrounds: Leroy not destroying minions on death

I just lost a battlegrouds game when Leroy failed to destroy a golden Corrupted Myrmidon when it died attacking it. Very tilting.

I was playing as Tamsin, and had used my hero power that turn. It destroyed a 10/1 Selfless Hero that I had buffed with a spellcraft from a Felbound Archer, giving its stats and a divine shield to Leroy. After already losing the divine shield, near the end of combat, my Leroy attacked a very large golden Corrupted Myrmidon and died, which I was pretty happy about. But the deathrattle did not go off, causing me to eventually lose the fight and take 6th. Pain.

Indeed, there’s currently a known bug where Leeroy kills the minion making him lose the devine shield iso the one killing him.

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