Battlegrounds just isn't fun anymore

You know what’s fun about playing Texas Hold’em? Chance. The possibility that someone is holding the winning cards. Seeing someone with a royal flush is an impressive and rare hand. This isn’t the case in this game.

This used to be the case in the early days of HS BGs.

Before, it’d be rare occasion that you’d find someone that had a truly staggering deck in which you couldn’t get mad about losing to. It took creativity, and a lot of luck.

Now? Every match, someone has that winning hand (last game 3 people had the perfect beast avenge deck with reborn beasts who would injure all other beasts and enrage them all.)

The battles feel cheaper. The gap between a win and a loss is more commonly huge, rather than neck and neck like it used to be. I used to like playing HS BGs, but now? It just feels like an achievable meta each game with the illusion of RNG (let’s face it, your trinkets are typically geared to what you already have on board, or already in your lesser trinket.

I came back for one day after taking a year-long break. After that break, the things that I left for in the first place have been increased in magnitude. Not sure if anyone else shares this opinion.

Sometimes true RNG for everyone involved is fun.

Edit: I love how people came in here to tell me why my opinion is wrong.

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‘True RNG’ would still let everyone have OP builds, IF they didnt all decide to compete for the same tribes. The problem is Blizztard lets everyone have the same trinkets since they arent apparently limited. Then, because some are so much better than others in the same pool, they try to ‘fix’ this by adding more waterd-down crappy trinkets. This is why you can have 4+ of a tribe and get no trinket that specifically helps that tribe only.

Whatever the case may be. What I’m describing is, that there’s a clear meta. Murlocs often dominate that meta when they’re on the board. Beasts (in my one day of experience), demons and mechs seem to tie in to second place. Saw something cool with dragons once…

Your one day of experience… maybe actually go PLAY for a while? Every tribe can highroll. Some are easier to highroll, but its still RNG. Murloc poison got nerfed into the ground, so unless you get “copy greater trinket” and then get poison murloc greater trinket, they are kinda azz. But the point is they CAN outscale all other builds than maybe Quillboars and Demons if they get max highroll. Whoever gets the best highroll wins lobbies, doesnt matter which tribe it is.

That’s your problem.

The BGs of today cannot be played the same BGs of last expansion. It’s completely different. You have to know how to set up your board to get certain trinkets.

Your complaint is the equivalent of saying you like playing Texas Hold’em and can’t win at the game without even knowing that 2’s are wild in the game you’re currently playing because the game you played last week didn’t have any wilds.


You’re missing the point - it’s become much more common to high roll. Less common for things to be close. I had one day of playing sure, but that was a decent sample of games for considering how long I spent the day playing.

Just because you don’t see what I am seeing doesn’t make it false.

The game is vastly different from what it was a year ago. you also need to figure out how the meta works. A days worth of playing doesn’t teach you anything about the meta. All the tribes are about on Par ATM with the determining factor selecting the correct hero for the appropriate lobby. the OP trinkets have all been toned down and there’s a wide variety of them to be played. There’s also the fact that your board and hero determines the trinkets you will be offered.

I would say to not get too discouraged yet. Keep at it and learn the meta. That’s what the first 6K rating points is useful for.

Most of your frustration then is that you have no idea how to play in the current meta game because it’s 100% not the same as last year. The comps are different, spells and trinkets are different, and how it all works together is very different.

Stats are through the roof and you have to play differently to be succesful in this meta.

I’m sorry you don’t like it, but it’s understandable to feel like it’s not right when you haven’t played in so long.

Yep. Not the same game at all.

No, you’re missing the point.

It’s very common for games to be close among people who understand this iteration of the mode. I had a match go 21 turns and the last six were me and second place heads up because our boards were pretty spectacularly even.

Your experience is rooted in being matched against better players from when you played regularly while not still being a better player due to your time off. Of course you’re getting smashed right now.

I think this meta is the worst meta ever.

Buddies were meh, but i think was less caotic. Trinkets is a good idea, but a lot of bad execution.

The dev team of BG dont care about nothing. Every meta, the hyper scale of some heroes or tribes continue.

So, you play the game if this terrible dev team that dont know what they are doing or leave :slight_smile:

Hard, but true

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Worse than Anomalies? the meta that will never come back because they lost a large amount of players over how bad it was?


Nothing was worse than Anomalies.

(I just got fragrant phylactery while playing brann quillboars, lol. I’m so happy they put spells in the game and put back discover new hero power.)

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Returning Masquerade made so many heroes better. Never understood why they removed it to begin with.

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Before, you had more margin of error. Now you don’t have nearly as much.

In this meta you really need to play tempo early. If you race up the tiers without a solid board you will start taking 15’s and be out. It’s not always correct ATM to follow the normal curve or an accelerated one. Taking an early Tempo trinket in many case is also the right play unless you get offered an amazing one.

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It’s still a very power creeped meta. I’ve lost count of the times I win when I was playing with some mistakes because I got lucky on 2 draws and losing when I didn’t do any mistake because I got 15 points damage 2 or 3 times in a row before anyone even went near level 6.

It feels like Constructed after a point that slight variations of luck feel they determined a single game; but BGs have an opportunity to be less random; that’s because they have way more draws per round.

Yep. Trinket season blows chunks.

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Yup, they’ve been pushing the mode that way for a while. Just like in constructed, they want the games to end faster.

That’s why the late game synergies are so extreme.

Honestly, tho, I think right now there’s quite a bit of room for creativity. It’s just not going to get you first place. First place will always be the perfect build, which will always be something you’ve seen a bunch.

I think they got burned on anomalies cause so many people hated them, but if they bring them back it could make the game more fun as long as they’re smaller effects like:
tier 4 doesn’t exist
rivendare/or other overused minion doesn’t exist
Tier 7 exists.


That’s not my experience. You can top four without even really hitting your cards if you understand how to play tempo in the early game and don’t reach. If you understand how to stabilize your comp for turns four through eight, you do well most games.

One thing I see people do wrong is worry too much about turn one, two, and three.

Many times the shop shows you junk and the best choice on turn one is to take a spell, roll, take another spell, tier on two, and then use the spells on three to have buffed minions that hold you for several turns. This is a huge change from previous metas and isn’t intuitive. I lost my first three turns to set up winning the next ten is pretty common.

This is spot on. You have to approach these games differently than past metas, and I think lots of people are playing like they always have and blaming the game.

Yeah, I also often end up taking two solid tier1s and a spell the first two turns. With a bit of luck on the third turn you can get a good spell or a minion and then tier up again at 6 gold.

That would have been the wrong play in most metas but it works now because early game is more important (obviously lobby dependent).

You have to be able to take two big 15 point hits somewhere in the midgame (esp in duos) while you’re building your late game comp.

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They made those 15’s early so harsh to discourage tier rushing. If you notice most early economy was also removed. I think that was a great idea instead of making tiers more expensive.

Figuring out your swing/pivots turns are what make BGs fun imo.

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