[Battlegrounds] Hooktusk from #1 pic to last

I conceded to -128, then climbed to 5k, then conceded down to -539. That’s how I got to 3k, just can’t get out this time. There are too many high level players smurfing at 3k. Nothing like 8th place on turn 3.


I can’t roll my eyes hard enough.

Ty for the lulz.

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Hooktusk is pretty bad,i did pick her once but wont pick here again.
The new meta has been good for me and i kinda like it,won some points as well.
Murlocs win but if you force them with an average hero you lose pretty hard,still 1 guy will get there usually.
Tess is bad,i thought she would be ok but shes just bad. You fall behind to much early game and that one single tripple that you can get wont help you. Then later on you can copy some good cards from other players,but no matter what you will always be behind the player that you did copy from. Unless you had a very good comp on your own already in which case she can give you the win but thats very rare since you fall behind in the early game and you need to run into a guy who went for the same comp. I think this hero is just bad overall,bottom 50%.
Bran is good,i did try different things with bran and every game with bran did go very well.

Yah tess is bad. Copying brann on turn 9 doesnt work so good when you died on turn 8.

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I am blown away how people increase rating to like 11k in bg’s. There are so many games where I just don’t see any way to create an opportunity where I can compete for top 4. I have played a lot because I enjoy it, but in metas like the current one, there is a huge disparity between my board and my opponents board sometimes and just get wrecked.

The really good and disciplined players that want rating have to play boring and predictable. You have to take as much rng out of game as you can.

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Roll your eyes all you like, there is no way that a “casual” is able to kill someone on turn 3.

Made it up to 4332, but have been slammed back down to 3300, this game is whack, literally everyone is lucky except me.

I am at 5K and sometimes 4K, the RNG is horrible and you need to learn to stop forcing tribes.

:grin: Talent is a pursued interest. Anything that you’re willing to practice, you can do.

Well I’m not giving up, but the game is wonky. Can go on a great run feel great, then just as easily go on a horrid losing streak and be right back where I started.

Also Hi.

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Respectfully, if you’re actually stuck at 3k the patch is not the problem.