Battlegrounds - freezing minions does not always work

Sometimes when I freeze the tavern at the end of the recruiting phase, I still get a new roll of minions the next round. This is always infuriating.

EDIT: has anyone paid any attention to this yet?

Im gonna now i could swear it happened to me twice in one game.

It could be the case, but you need to be aware of what’s going on too.

I played a game as Galakrond and multiple times experienced this and was quite frustrated at the end. The next time I picked him I noticed that his power wasn’t keeping the target frozen and realized the mistakes were actually my fault. There are other ways/interactions that are capable of unfreezing a minion.

Waiting to the last second isn’t advised either. The amount of times an action of mine has failed, even though I had a couple seconds remaining is very annoying.

I had a similar issue. Froze the tavern with like 20sec to spare after finishing my setup. I was tavern tier 6. There were 2 Amalgadons in the tavern as well as a mama bear. I froze to save for next turn and what happened was the same tavern was in the shop except there was no mama bear. It was replaced with some random demon. I wish I had screenshots from that.

This just happened to me, I froze because two minions I needed appeared and would give me a golden minion next turn and when the round ended, the entire board was “still frozen” but an entirely different set of minions and also a different number (4 instead of 5) of minions to choose from. This is potentially game breaking if this doesn’t get fixed

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I literally just had that happen to me this game. I froze it because I was demon hunting and there were demons in the tavern. Next turn… No demons at all…